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[英]Haskell instance declaration affecting interpretation of class

除非删除实例声明,否则下面的代码给我这个错误。 另外,我不知道对Google会做什么,因为错误与造成问题的原因无关?

Test.hs|20 col 31 error| Could not deduce (Integral a) arising from a use of `gendivmod'
|| from the context (Euclidean a)
||   bound by the type signature for
||              gcdBezouts :: Euclidean a => a -> a -> (a, a, a)
||   at /home/jragonfyre/src/haskell/mathlib/Test.hs:17:15-50
|| Possible fix:
||   add (Integral a) to the context of
||     the type signature for
||       gcdBezouts :: Euclidean a => a -> a -> (a, a, a)
|| In the expression: gendivmod x y
|| In a pattern binding: (q, r) = gendivmod x y
|| In the expression:
||   let
||     (q, r) = gendivmod x y
||     (n, m, d) = gcdBezouts y r
||   in (m, n - m * q, d)


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}

class (Num a, Eq a) => Euclidean a where
  genmod :: a -> a -> a
  genmod a = snd . gendivmod a
  gendiv :: a -> a -> a
  gendiv a = fst . gendivmod a
  gendivmod :: a -> a -> (a,a)
  gendivmod a b = (gendiv a b, genmod a b)
  isUnitEu :: a -> Bool
  isUnitEu = (==1) . abs

instance (Integral a) => Euclidean a where
  gendivmod = divMod

gcdBezouts :: (Euclidean a) => a -> a -> (a, a, a)
gcdBezouts 0 x = (0, 1, x)
gcdBezouts x 0 = (1, 0, x)
gcdBezouts x y = let (q, r) = gendivmod x y
                     (n, m, d) = gcdBezouts y r
                 in (m, n-m*q, d)





instance (Integral a) => Euclidean a where

您可能认为这意味着“每个Integral实例也都是Euclidean实例”实际上意味着“ 每种类型都是Euclidean实例,后来添加了在实例化时需要Integral的约束”。 这样的实例总是会给您带来麻烦。

我建议的是在需要的每种类型上显式实例化Euclidean (这也使您可以摆脱UndecidableInstances )。

instance Euclidean Integer where


integralGenmod :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a


data EuclideanDomain a = EuclideanDomain a {
    edGenmod :: a -> a -> a,
class Euclidean a where
    euclideanDomain :: EuclideanDomain a

genmod :: (Euclidean a) => a -> a -> a
genmod = edGenmod euclideanDomain    

integralEuclidean :: (Integral a) => EuclideanDomain a
integralEuclidean = EuclideanDomain { ... }

instance Euclidean Integral where
    euclideanDomain = integralEuclidean

这使得显式实例化更加易于管理,并且还使您可以声明结构的更多合成属性。 (参见这篇文章 ,其中的类型化实例可以使您受益匪浅)


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