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[英]Deserialize Dictionary with protobuf-net

由于BinaryFormatter给我在Ios上序列化字典的麻烦,因此我决定切换到protobuf-net。 并使用它来序列化我的Unity3d游戏中的内容。 下面是一些代码:这是保存所有数据的类:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ProtoBuf;
using UnityEngine;
namespace SerializationLib
   public class GameData
        public int _coinAmount ;
        public int _upgradeLevel;
        public Level_Data[] _level_Data;
        public CharacterUpgradeList _charUpgradeList;
        public SerialVector2 serialVector;

    public class CharacterUpgradeList

        private List<UpgradeData>[] upgData;
        [ProtoMember(1,OverwriteList = true)]
        public Dictionary<string, List<UpgradeData>> upgradeList;

        public CharacterUpgradeList()
            upgData = new List<UpgradeData>[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < upgData.Length; i++)
                upgData[i] = new List<UpgradeData> { 
                        new UpgradeData(),
                        new UpgradeData(),
                        new UpgradeData(),
                        new UpgradeData(),
                        new UpgradeData(),
                        new UpgradeData()

            upgradeList = new Dictionary<string, List<UpgradeData>>


    public class Level_Data
        public int completion_status;
        public int star_Rating;
    public class UpgradeData
        public bool lockStatus;
        public bool purchased;

    public struct SerialVector2
        public float x;
        public float y;

        public SerialVector2(Vector2 vect)
            x = vect.x;
            y = vect.y;
        public Vector2 returnVector2()
            return new Vector2(x, y);



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SerializationLib;
using ProtoBuf.Meta;

namespace DataSerializer
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Model = TypeModel.Create();
            Model.Add(typeof(GameData), true);
            Model.Add(typeof(CharacterUpgradeList), true);
            Model.Add(typeof(Level_Data), true);
            Model.Add(typeof(UpgradeData), true);
            Model.Add(typeof(SerialVector2), true);

            Model.AllowParseableTypes = true;
            Model.AutoAddMissingTypes = true;

            Model.Compile("DataSerializer", "DataSerializer.dll");


using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;

public static class ProtoWraper {

    private static DataSerializer m_serialiezer = new DataSerializer();

    public static T LoadObjectFromResources<T>(string resourcePath)
        TextAsset objectAsset = Resources.Load(resourcePath, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
        if (objectAsset == null)

            return default(T);
        T deserializedObject = default(T);
        using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(objectAsset.bytes))
            deserializedObject = (T)m_serialiezer.Deserialize(m, null, typeof(T));
        return deserializedObject;
    public static T LoadObjectFromPath<T>(string path)
        if (!File.Exists(path))
            return default(T);
        T deserializedObject = default(T);
        using(FileStream f = new FileStream(path,FileMode.Open))
             deserializedObject = (T)m_serialiezer.Deserialize(f,null,typeof(T));
        return deserializedObject;
    public static void SaveObjectToPath<T>(string objectPath, string filename, T serializedObject)
        if (!Directory.Exists(objectPath))
        using (FileStream f = new FileStream(objectPath + filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
            m_serialiezer.Serialize(f, serializedObject);

现在的问题是当我调用data = ProtoWraper.LoadObjectFromPath<GameData>(filename); 我收到ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.

没关系,我是一个完全傻瓜,对Serializationlib:D进行更改后没有重新编译数据串行器。 现在一切都很好。


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