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[英]How to iterate nested lists with lambda streams?


public static Result match (Response rsp) {
    Exception lastex = null;

    for (FirstNode firstNode : rsp.getFirstNodes()) {
        for (SndNode sndNode : firstNode.getSndNodes()) {
            try {
                if (sndNode.isValid())
                return parse(sndNode); //return the first match, retry if fails with ParseException
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                lastex = e;

    //throw the exception if all elements failed
    if (lastex != null) {
        throw lastex;

    return null;


rsp.getFirstNodes().forEach().?? // how to iterate the nested 2ndNodes?


flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper)


Optional<SndNode> sndNode = rsp.getFirstNodes()
  .flatMap(firstNode -> firstNode.getSndNodes().stream())  //This is the key line for merging the nested streams
  .filter(sndNode -> sndNode.isValid())

if (sndNode.isPresent()) {
    try {
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        lastex = e;

我担心使用溪流和lambdas,你的表现可能会受到影响。 您当前的解决方案返回第一个有效且可解析的节点,但是无法中断流上的操作,例如for-each( )。


这就是我想出的。 它可能会给你一些想法:

public static Result match(Response rsp) throws Exception {
    Map<Boolean, List<Object>> collect = rsp.getFirstNodes().stream()
            .flatMap(firstNode -> firstNode.getSndNodes().stream()) // create stream of SndNodes
            .filter(SndNode::isValid) // filter so we only have valid nodes
            .map(node -> {
                // try to parse each node and return either the result or the exception
                try {
                    return parse(node);
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    return e;
            }) // at this point we have stream of objects which may be either Result or ParseException
            .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(o -> o instanceof Result)); // split the stream into two lists - one containing Results, the other containing ParseExceptions

    if (!collect.get(true).isEmpty()) {
        return (Result) collect.get(true).get(0);
    if (!collect.get(false).isEmpty()) {
        throw (Exception) collect.get(false).get(0); // throws first exception instead of last!
    return null;



为了避免解析所有节点,你可以使用reduce ,但它更复杂和丑陋(需要额外的类)。 这也显示了所有ParseException而不是最后一个。

private static class IntermediateResult {

    private final SndNode node;
    private final Result result;
    private final List<ParseException> exceptions;

    private IntermediateResult(SndNode node, Result result, List<ParseException> exceptions) {
        this.node = node;
        this.result = result;
        this.exceptions = exceptions;

    private Result getResult() throws ParseException {
        if (result != null) {
            return result;
        if (exceptions.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        // this will show all ParseExceptions instead of just last one
        ParseException exception = new ParseException(String.format("None of %s valid nodes could be parsed", exceptions.size()));
        throw exception;


public static Result match(Response rsp) throws Exception {
    return Stream.concat(
                    Arrays.stream(new SndNode[] {null}), // adding null at the beginning of the stream to get an empty "aggregatedResult" at the beginning of the stream
                            .flatMap(firstNode -> firstNode.getSndNodes().stream())
            .map(node -> new IntermediateResult(node, null, Collections.<ParseException>emptyList()))
            .reduce((aggregatedResult, next) -> {
                if (aggregatedResult.result != null) {
                    return aggregatedResult;

                try {
                    return new IntermediateResult(null, parse(next.node), null);
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    List<ParseException> exceptions = new ArrayList<>(aggregatedResult.exceptions);
                    return new IntermediateResult(null, null, Collections.unmodifiableList(exceptions));
            .get() // aggregatedResult after going through the whole stream, there will always be at least one because we added one at the beginning
            .getResult(); // return Result, null (if no valid nodes) or throw ParseException


通常,在使用诸如findFirst()类的终端运算符时,也可以使用延迟求值。 因此,通过稍微改变需求(即返回null而不是抛出异常),应该可以执行类似下面的操作。 但是,使用findFirst flatMap不使用延迟评估( ),因此此代码尝试解析所有节点。

private static class ParsedNode {
    private final Result result;

    private ParsedNode(Result result) {
        this.result = result;

public static Result match(Response rsp) throws Exception {
    return rsp.getFirstNodes().stream()
            .flatMap(firstNode -> firstNode.getSndNodes().stream())
            .map(node -> {
                try {
                    // will parse all nodes because of flatMap
                    return new ParsedNode(parse(node));
                } catch (ParseException e ) {
                    return new ParsedNode(null);
            .filter(parsedNode -> parsedNode.result != null)
            .findFirst().orElse(new ParsedNode(null)).result;


               .filter(sndNode-> sndNode.isValid())
   // No do the sndNode parsing operation Here.


allAssessmentsForJob.getBody().stream().forEach(assessment -> {
        jobAssessments.stream().forEach(jobAssessment -> {
            if (assessment.getId() == jobAssessment.getAssessmentId()) {


   Result = rsp.getFirstNodes()
        .flatMap(firstNode -> firstNode.getSndNodes.stream())
        .map(node -> this.parseNode(node)).orElse(null);

说明 :获取所有firstNodesstream()它们。 输出每个firstNode,你带来n个SndNodes 您检查每个SndNodes以查找找到一个有效的 SndNodes 如果没有有效的SndNode,那么我们将得到一个null。 如果有,它将被解析为Result


public Result parseNode(SndNode node){
        try {
        ... // attempt to parsed node 
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new ParseException;

您可以使用这一事实, StreamSupport提供stream方法,需要一个SpliteratorIterablespliterator方法。

然后,您只需要一种机制将您的结构展平为Iterable - 就像这样。

class IterableIterable<T> implements Iterable<T> {

    private final Iterable<? extends Iterable<T>> i;

    public IterableIterable(Iterable<? extends Iterable<T>> i) {
        this.i = i;

    public Iterator<T> iterator() {
        return new IIT();

    private class IIT implements Iterator<T> {

        // Pull an iterator.
        final Iterator<? extends Iterable<T>> iit = i.iterator();
        // The current Iterator<T>
        Iterator<T> it = null;
        // The current T.
        T next = null;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            boolean finished = false;
            while (next == null && !finished) {
                if (it == null || !it.hasNext()) {
                    if (iit.hasNext()) {
                        it = iit.next().iterator();
                    } else {
                        finished = true;
                if (it != null && it.hasNext()) {
                    next = it.next();
            return next != null;

        public T next() {
            T n = next;
            next = null;
            return n;


public void test() {
    List<List<String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> first = new ArrayList<>();
    first.add("First One");
    first.add("First Two");
    List<String> second = new ArrayList<>();
    second.add("Second One");
    second.add("Second Two");
    // Check it works.
    IterableIterable<String> l = new IterableIterable<>(list);
    for (String s : l) {
    // Stream it like this.
    Stream<String> stream = StreamSupport.stream(l.spliterator(), false);




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