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[英]Select objects that share a ManyToMany Relationship (Django)

我有一个名为House的模型,另一个名为Location的模型,彼此之间具有ManyToMany关系。 例如,房屋既可以位于Brooklyn ,也可以New York

在我的New York页面上,我想显示“相关位置”或“附近位置”。 我想选择所有与New York共享同一房屋的位置。


房子: BrooklynNew York

众议院B: ManhattanNew York

我想从New York选择在Manhattan Brooklyn地点。

我也想按他们共有的房屋数量来订购它们。 首先获取最“相关”的位置。



# my_location is a Location object representing New York
similar_locations = {}

for house in House.ojects.filter(locations=my_location):  # get all houses in New York
    for house_location in house.locations.all():  # get all locations of all houses in New York
        # count the houses in each location
        if not house_location.pk in similar_locations:
            similar_locations[house_location.pk] = 1 
            similar_locations[house_locoation.pk] += 1

# sort the dictionary of locations by number of houses
# sorted_similar_locations will be a list of tuples sorted by the second element in each tuple.
import operator
sorted_similar_locations = reversed(sorted(similar_locations.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)))

# get Django objects of your locations (this depends on how many similar locations you expect. If it is a lot, this query is very inefficient)
locations = Location.objects.filter(pk__in=similar_locations.keys())

可能有更有效的方法可以做到这一点。 但这应该给您一个好的开始! 希望这可以帮助。


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