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[英]How do i merge elements in a list together?


test = [['Hello my name is Py. How are you today?'],['The world is a great place. Another sentence.']]


test = ['Hello my name is Py. How are you today? The world is a great place. Another sentence.']


test = 'Hello my name is Py. How are you today? The world is a great place. Another sentence.'



test = [['Hello my name is Py. How are you today?'],['The world is a great place. Another sentence.']]

from itertools import chain

print(" ".join(chain.from_iterable(test)))
Hello my name is Py. How are you today? The world is a great place. Another sentence


print(" ".join(["".join(sub) for sub in test]))
Hello my name is Py. How are you today? The world is a great place. Another sentence.


print(" ".join([sub[0] for sub in test]))

Hello my name is Py. How are you today? The world is a great place. Another sentence.


print([" ".join([sub[0] for sub in test])])
['Hello my name is Py. How are you today? The world is a great place. Another sentence.']


>>> test = [['Hello my name is Py. How are you today?'],
...         ['The world is a great place. Another sentence.']]
>>> print '\n'.join(a for b in test for a in b)
Hello my name is Py. How are you today?
The world is a great place. Another sentence.

>>> print ' '.join(a for b in test for a in b)
Hello my name is Py. How are you today? The world is a great place. Another sentence.


' '.join(sum(test, []))


>>> test = [['Hello my name is Py. How are you today?'],['The world is a great place. Another sentence.']]
>>> ' '.join(sum(test, []))
'Hello my name is Py. How are you today? The world is a great place. Another sentence.'


>>> for n in (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000):
        lists = [['Test'] for _ in range(n)]
        seconds = timeit(lambda: sum(lists, []), number=1)
        print('%10.7f' % seconds, 'seconds for', n, 'lists')

 0.0000109 seconds for 10 lists
 0.0001052 seconds for 100 lists
 0.0053068 seconds for 1000 lists
 0.5582595 seconds for 10000 lists
55.8725820 seconds for 100000 lists


>>> for n in (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000):
        lists = [['Test'] for _ in range(n)]
        seconds = timeit(lambda: [e for s in lists for e in s], number=1)
        print('%10.7f' % seconds, 'seconds for', n, 'lists')

 0.0000115 seconds for 10 lists
 0.0000327 seconds for 100 lists
 0.0002784 seconds for 1000 lists
 0.0024991 seconds for 10000 lists
 0.0228550 seconds for 100000 lists


test = [['Hello my name is Py. How are you today?'],['The world is a great place. Another sentence.']]
import itertools
print list(itertools.chain(*test))

获取清单 -

>>> test = ["".join([j  for j in i for i in test])]
>>> test
['The world is a great place. Another sentence.The world is a great place. Another sentence.']

>>> test = "".join([j  for j in i for i in test])
>>> test
'The world is a great place. Another sentence.The world is a great place. Another sentence.'


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