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[英]cannot look at specific char returned by recv


类似于GETFILE OK 1024\\r\\n\\r\\n <content>

我正在尝试获取第一个\\r\\n ,然后在后续的recv调用中获取第二对。 该函数的调用是: read_in_header(gfr, headerRecvBuff, 1);

问题:当我知道\\n存在时,在引用\\n时的逻辑将被完全忽略,或者不显示任何匹配项。 这是比较char换行符的正确方法吗?

int read_in_header(gfcrequest_t *gfr, char *buf, int len) {
char *s = buf;
int slen = len;
int c = 0;
int count = 0;
//get the first \r\n pair
do {
    c = recv(gfr->client_fd, s, slen, 0);
    printf("checking to see what s has now: %s\n", s);
    count += c;
} while ((c > 0) && (s[count - 1] != '\n'));

//get the second \r\n pair
count = 0;
do {
    c = recv(gfr->client_fd, s, slen, 0);
    printf("checking to see what s has now: %s\n", s);
    count += c;
} while ((c > 0) && (s[count - 1] != '\n'));

printf("checking to see what s has now: %s\n", s);

if (c < 0) {
    return c;
} else if (c == 0) {
    puts("Time to disconnect, the server is done.");
    //total bytes received should not include header length
    gfr->totalbytesReceived -= gfr->headerbytes_received;
    return 0;
} else {
    s[c - 1] = '\0';
gfr->totalbytesReceived += count;
return c;



while ((c > 0) && (strstr(s, "\r\n") == NULL));

要同时存在“ \\ r”和“ \\ n”。 这利用了字符串搜索的优势来检查两个值是否都在一行中。


do {
    c = recv(gfr->client_fd, s, slen, 0);
    printf("checking to see what s has now: %s\n", s);
    //  count += c; //not needed
} while ((c > 0) && (strstr(s, "\r\n") == NULL));

如果决定捕获全为4的行,即\\r\\n\\r\\n ,则将该行作为比较的参数。

值得注意的是,除非您将套接字选项设置为非阻塞,否则recv()是阻塞调用。 研究如何将套接字设置为非阻塞


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