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[英]How to remove a specific string common in multiple lines in a CSV file using python script?

我有一个csv文件,其中包含65000行(大小约为28 MB)。 在每一行中,都以开头指定路径,例如"c:\\abc\\bcd\\def\\123\\456" 现在,假设路径"c:\\abc\\bcd\\"在所有行中都是通用的,其余内容则有所不同。 我必须使用python脚本从所有行中删除公共部分(在这种情况下为"c:\\abc\\bcd\\" )。 例如,CSV文件的内容如前所述。

C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.frag                   0   0   0
C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.vert                   0   0   0
C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0.frag       16  24  3
C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0.vert       87  116 69
C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0.vert.bin   75  95  61
C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0            0   0
C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-6            0   0   0 


FILE0.frag                  0   0   0
FILE0.vert                  0   0   0
FILE0.link-link-0.frag      17  25  2
FILE0.link-link-0.vert      85  111 68
FILE0.link-link-0.vert.bin  77  97  60
FILE0.link-link-0               0   0
FILE0.link                  0   0   0



import csv

with open("file.csv", 'rb') as f:
    sl = []
    csvread = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ')
    for line in csvread:
        sl.append(line.replace("C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp\.\test\GLNext\", ""))


with open('filenew.csv', 'wb') as f:
    csvwrite = csv.writer(f, delimiter=' ')
    for line in sl:

您只需在每行上使用此正则表达式并替换为empty string参见演示。


import re
p = re.compile(ur'^\S+/', re.MULTILINE)
test_str = u"C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.frag                   0   0   0\nC:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.vert                   0   0   0\nC:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0.frag       16  24  3\nC:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0.vert       87  116 69\nC:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0.vert.bin   75  95  61\nC:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0            0   0\nC:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-6            0   0   0 "
subst = u" "

result = re.sub(p, subst, test_str)

您可以自动检测公用前缀,而无需对其进行硬编码。 您实际上不需要regex 可以使用os.path.commonprefix代替:

import csv
import os

with open('data.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    paths = [] #stores all paths
    rows = [] #stores all lines
    for row in reader:
        paths.append(row[0].split("/")) #split path by "/"

    commonprefix = os.path.commonprefix(paths) #finds prefix common to all paths

    for row in rows:
        row[0] = row[0].replace('/'.join(commonprefix)+'/', "") #remove prefix


with open('data2.csv', 'wb') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for row in rows:


import os.path, csv

finput = open("d:\\input.csv","r")
csv_input = csv.reader(finput, delimiter=" ", skipinitialspace=True)
csv_output = csv.writer(open("d:\\output.csv", "wb"), delimiter=" ")

# Create a set of unique folder names

set_folders = set()

for input_row in csv_input:

# Determine the common prefix

base_folder = os.path.split(os.path.commonprefix(set_folders))[0]
nprefix = len(base_folder) + 1

# Go back to the start of the input CSV 


for input_row in csv_input:
    csv_output.writerow([input_row[0][nprefix:]] + input_row[1:])


C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.frag                   0   0   0
C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.vert                   0   0   0
C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0.frag       16  24  3
C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext2/FILE0.link-link-0.vert       87  116 69
C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext5/FILE0.link-link-0.vert.bin   75  95  61
C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext7/FILE0.link-link-0            0   0
C:/Abc/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.link-link-6            0   0   0


GLNext/FILE0.frag 0 0 0
GLNext/FILE0.vert 0 0 0
GLNext/FILE0.link-link-0.frag 16 24 3
GLNext2/FILE0.link-link-0.vert 87 116 69
GLNext5/FILE0.link-link-0.vert.bin 75 95 61
GLNext7/FILE0.link-link-0 0 0
GLNext/FILE0.link-link-6 0 0 0



for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(Directory):
    for fname in fileList:
        if fname.endswith('.csv'):
            for line in fileinput.input(os.path.join(dirName, fname), inplace = 1):
                location = line.find(r'GLNext')
                if location > 0:
                    location += len('GLNext')
                    print line.replace(line[:location], ".")
                    print line

您可以为此使用pandas库。 这样做,您可以利用pandas对大型CSV文件(甚至数百MB)的出色处理。


import pandas as pd

csv_file = 'test_csv.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, header=None)
print df
print "-------------------------------------------"

path = "C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/"
df[0] = df[0].replace({path:""}, regex=True)

print df
# df.to_csv("truncated.csv") # Export to new file.


                                                   0   1    2   3
0    C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.frag   0    0   0
1    C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.vert   0    0   0
2  C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.lin...  16   24   3
3  C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.lin...  87  116  69
4  C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.lin...  75   95  61
5  C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.lin...   0    0 NaN
6  C:/Abc/bcd/Def/Test/temp/test/GLNext/FILE0.lin...   0    0   0
                            0   1    2   3
0                  FILE0.frag   0    0   0
1                  FILE0.vert   0    0   0
2      FILE0.link-link-0.frag  16   24   3
3      FILE0.link-link-0.vert  87  116  69
4  FILE0.link-link-0.vert.bin  75   95  61
5           FILE0.link-link-0   0    0 NaN
6           FILE0.link-link-6   0    0   0


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