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[英]Java Generic Method basics (reflection)

我试图正确地理解如何使用泛型。 我整个上午都在搜索它,但是当教程开始添加多个泛型值或使用我仍在努力的非常抽象的术语时,我感到困惑。



public class GenericsExample4 {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        Car car;
        Truck truck;

        car = buy(Car.class, 95);
        truck = buy(Truck.class, 45);

    // HELP HERE!
    public static <T extends Vehicle> T buy(Class<T> type, int topSpeed) {

        // create a new dynamic class T . . . I am lost on syntax

        return null; // return the new class T. I am lost on the syntax here :(

interface Vehicle {
    public void floorIt();

class Car implements Vehicle {

    int topSpeed;

    public Car(int topSpeed) {
        this.topSpeed = topSpeed;

    public void floorIt() {
        System.out.println("Vroom! I am going " + topSpeed + " miles per hour");

class Truck implements Vehicle {
    int topSpeed;

    public Truck(int topSpeed) {
        this.topSpeed = topSpeed;

    public void floorIt() {
        System.out.println("I can only go " + topSpeed + " miles per hour");


您一般不能调用new运算符。 您可以做的是使用反射,假设您知道构造函数的参数。 例如,假设每辆车都有一个构造器,该构造器采用int最高速度:

public static <T extends Vehicle> T buy(Class<T> type, int topSpeed) {
    try {
        return type.getConstructor(Integer.TYPE).newInstance(topSpeed);
    } catch (Exception e) { // or something more specific
        System.err.println("Can't create an instance");
        return null;


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