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[英]How to remove specific empty lines from multi line strings in python?

我正在使用模板来创建多个.txt文件。 一些文件将具有空值,因此我想删除产生的空行:

arg1 = '- this is the third line'
arg2 = '- this is the fourth line'
arg3 = ''
arg4 = '- this is the sixth line'



This is the first line:

    - this is the third line
    - this is the fourth line

    - this is the sixth line

This is some other content whose possible empty lines need to be left alone.


This is the first line:


This is some other content whose possible empty lines need to be left alone.


This is the first line:

        - this is the third line
        - this is the fourth line         
        - this is the sixth line

This is some other content whose possible empty lines need to be left alone.


for line, index_line in zip(content.splitlines(), range(1, 11)):
    if index_line in range(4, 11) and line == '    ':
        # command that will remove the empty line and save the new content


range (1, 7) #通过第六行时停止

range(3,7) #仅检查给定范围内的行


# assuming you have the contents read from the file split into this list:
lines = content.splitlines()

for index in range (2,6): # or whatever range of lines you want to trim - 
                          # remember indices start from 0 for the first line
    if lines[index] == '':

# remove in reverse order, as pop() changes the index of items later in the list
for index in sorted(indicestoremove, reverse=True):

f = open('filename')
for line in lines:
  f.write("%s\n" % line)

如果范围可能有所不同,并且如果我们可以依靠“ ^-\\ s”作为开始和停止删除空行的标记,则可以使用正则表达式。

import re

s = '''This is the first line:

    - this is the third line
    - this is the fourth line

    - this is the sixth line

This is some other content whose possible empty lines need to be left alone.

Leave that last line alone.

remove_empty = False
lines = []
for line in s.splitlines():
    l = line.strip()
    if l != '':
        dashed = (re.match('^-\s', l) is not None)
        if dashed and not remove_empty:
            # Now we need to start removing empty strings
            remove_empty = (re.match('^-\s', l) is not None)
        elif not dashed and remove_empty:
            # Now it is time to stop
            remove_empty = False

    if l != '' or not remove_empty:

print '\n'.join(lines)
# This is the first line:
#     - this is the third line
#     - this is the fourth line
#     - this is the sixth line
# This is some other content whose possible empty lines need to be left alone.
# Leave that last line alone.



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