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获取一行用户输入,然后将其作为 Bash 命令执行

[英]Get one line of user input and then execute it as Bash commands

我写了一个期望脚本,有助于在远程机器上执行命令。 执行完成后,我想获取一行用户输入,然后将其发送到远程 bash,这是代码片段:

#! /usr/bin/env expect
spawn ssh -l $user $host
send_tty -- "Enter your command: " 
set timeout -1

# match only printable characters (prevent from pressing TAB)
expect_tty eof exit -re {([[:print:]]*)\n}
send_tty -- "\n"
set timeout 10

# send the command to remote shell
send "$expect_out(1,string)" 

但是,如果输入类似于: ls /" ,我的程序将被阻止,因为远程shell希望通过提示字符串 "> " 来获取更多字符。实际上,我希望 bash 不会提示更多输入,而不仅仅是打印错误信息:

$ read COMMAND
ls /"
$ eval "$COMMAND"
bash: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
bash: syntax error: unexpected end of file


set prompt "#|%|>|\\\$ $"; # A generalized prompt to match known prompts.
spawn ssh -l dinesh xxx.xx.xx.xxx
expect {
    "(yes/no)" { send "yes\r";exp_continue}
send "mypassword\r"
expect -re $prompt
send_tty -- "Enter your command: " 
set timeout -1

# match only printable characters (prevent from pressing TAB)
expect_tty eof exit -re {([[:print:]]*)\n}
send_tty -- "\n"
set timeout 10
puts "\nUSER INPUT : $expect_out(1,string)"

# send the command to remote shell 
# Using 'here-doc', to handle possible user inputs, instead of quoting it with any other symbol like single quotes or backticks
send "read COMMAND <<END\r"
expect -re $prompt
send "$expect_out(1,string)\r" 
expect -re $prompt
send "END\r"
expect -re $prompt

# Since we want to send the literal dollar sign, I am sending it within braces
send {eval $COMMAND}
# Now sending 'Return' key
send "\r"
expect -re $prompt


如果我使用反引号或单引号来转义命令,那么如果用户在命令本身中使用反引号或单引号,则它可能会失败。 所以,为了克服这个问题,我添加了 here-doc。

输出 :

dinesh@MyPC:~/stackoverflow$ ./zhujs
spawn ssh -l dinesh xxx.xx.xx.xxx
dinesh@xxx.xx.xx.xxx's password: 

[dinesh@lab ~]$ matched_literal_dollar_sign
Enter your command: ls /"

USER INPUT : ls /"
> ls /"
[dinesh@lab ~]$ eval $COMMAND
-bash: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
-bash: syntax error: unexpected end of file
[dinesh@lab ~]$ dinesh@MyPC:~/stackoverflow$ 

更新 :

使用here-doc主要原因是它使读取充当非阻塞命令。 即我们可以快速进行下一个命令。 否则,我们必须等到Expect超时。 (当然,我们可以动态更改超时值。)

这只是一种方法。 您可以根据需要更改它,只需使用read命令即可。


spawn ssh -l $user $host

send_user "You are now about to take control: type QQQ to return control to the program\n"

interact {
    QQQ   return

send_user "Thanks, I'm back in charge ...\n"


read > export cmd ; eval $cmd ; unset cmd


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