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[英]Is there any flaw in this trick to check whether a sheet exists by calling Evaluate?



using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

bool ContainsSheet (Excel.Workbook workbook, string sheetName)
        Excel.Worksheet sheet = workbook.get_Item(sheetName)
                                as Excel.Worksheet;
        return sheet != null;
    catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
        return false;

但是这种例外很烦人。 在调试程序的其他不相关部分时,这一次又一次地浪费了我的时间。

我还想避免在工作簿的每个工作表中都进行迭代,以比较名称。 在我看来,这是非常低效的。


using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

bool ContainsSheet (Excel.Workbook workbook, string sheetName)
    // Sadly, I need a sheet to call Evaluate

    Excel.Worksheet someSheet = workbook.Worksheets[1]
                                as Excel.Worksheet;

    if (someSheet == null)   // Is this even possible?
        return false;

    // Try to get a range referring the first cell (upper-left corner). Note that
    // Evaluate() returns a number if an error occurs...

    Excel.Range someRange = someSheet.Evaluate("\'"+sheetName+"\'!A1")
                            as Excel.Range;

    return someRange != null;

但是,如果在Excel中激活了“ R1C1参考样式”,则此操作将失败(菜单:工具/选项/常规)。 考虑到这一点...

using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

bool ContainsSheet (Excel.Workbook workbook, string sheetName)
    // Sadly, I need a sheet to call Evaluate

    Excel.Worksheet someSheet = workbook.Worksheets[1]
                                as Excel.Worksheet;

    if (someSheet == null)   // Is this even possible?
        return false;

    // Try to get a range referring the first cell (upper-left corner). Note that
    // Evaluate() returns a number if an error occurs...

    Excel.Range someRange = someSheet.Evaluate("\'"+sheetName+"\'!A1")
                            as Excel.Range;

    if (someRange != null)
        return true;

    // Try again with the alternative "R1C1 reference style", which can be activated
    // in the menu: Tools / Options / General

    someRange = someSheet.Evaluate("\'"+sheetName+"\'!R1C1")
                as Excel.Range;

    return someRange != null;

我知道我可以先检查ReferenceStyle,然后使用正确的样式调用Evaluate()一次。 就像是:

Excel.Application excel = ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelDnaUtil.Application as Excel.Application;
System.Nullable<Excel.XlReferenceStyle> style = excel.ReferenceStyle as System.Nullable<Excel.XlReferenceStyle>;
string corner = style == null                          ? null :
                style == Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1   ? "A1" :
                style == Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlR1C1 ? "R1C1" : null;

无论如何,我的问题是: ContainsSheet()函数是否还有其他缺陷?

更新 :当工作表存在时,此处提出的方法需要很短的时间(大约30 us),而当工作表不存在时,则需要很长时间(大约150 us)。 Evaluate()必须在内部引发并捕获异常。 相反,如下面的DGibbs所建议的那样,在Sheets集合中进行迭代时,如果只有几张图纸(无论是否存在,则为13 us),花费的时间甚至更短。 但是,这些时间随印张数量的增加而增加。 使用77张纸,如果搜索到的纸是最后一张纸或不存在,则迭代大约需要200 us。 但是,床单很多!


public static bool ContainsSheet(this Excel.Workbook workbook, string sheetName)
     if(workbook.Sheets == null || !workbook.Sheets.Any())
           return false;

     foreach (var sheet in workbook.Sheets)
          if (sheet.Name.Equals(sheetName))
               return true;

     return false;


var hasSheet = workbook.ContainsSheet("foo");


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