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Python 3和二等分函数检查字体大小

[英]Python 3 and bisection functions to check size of a font

我具有以下功能来检查font size是否足够小以适合尺寸为xyimage

from PIL import ImageFont                                                       

def fit(width, height, font, size, text):                                       
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font, size)                                       
    text_w, text_h = font.getsize(text)                                         
    text_area = text_w*text_h                                                   
    total_area = width*height                                                   
    if total_area>text_area:                                                    
        return True                                                             
        return False                                                            

font = 'font.ttf'                                                               
counter = 0                                                                     
size = 60                                                                       
text = """                                                                      
The module is called bisect because it uses a basic bisection algorithm to do its w
while True:                                                                     
    counter += 1                                                                
    ans = fit(500, 500, font, size, text)                                       
    if ans == True:                                                             
        size -=1                                                                
print("Font_Size: {}".format(size))                                             
print("Repetitions: {} ".format(counter))    

好的,这些代码将图像的widthheight作为参数,并计算总面积,并与文本的总面积进行比较,如果合适( total area > total area text ),则返回true。 我想做的是以下几点:

我想要适合该区域的最大font size

我们可以使用for循环来实现这一点,该循环从一个高值开始并在每次迭代中减去1 可以,但是很慢。


我使用的字体如下: https : //www.google.com/fonts#QuickUsePlace : quickUse/Family : Open+Sans

上面的代码的输出是: Font_Size: 49 Repetitions: 12

给定两个整数a<b和一个单调函数f从整数到布尔值( True,False ),其中f(a) = Truef(b) = False可以找到最大整数m[a,b[f(m) = True具有以下函数:

def findMaxOk(low_ok, high_notOk, f):
  print "find max. ok in [%d,%d[" % (low_ok, high_notOk)
  if low_ok+1 >= high_notOk:
    return low_ok
  mid = (low_ok + high_notOk) // 2
  if f(mid):
    return findMaxOk(mid, high_notOk, f)
    return findMaxOk(low_ok, mid, f)


def maxFittingFontSize(width, height, font, text):
  f = lambda size: fit(width, height, font, size, text)
  return findMaxOk(1, 100, f)

顺便说一句:您是否不想分别比较您的功能fit宽度和高度? 喜欢:

def fit(width, height, font, size, text):
  font = ImageFont.truetype(font, size)
  text_w, text_h = font.getsize(text)
  return text_w<width and text_h<height


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