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是否可以在R Markdown / knitr中创建伪代码的代码块?

[英]Is it possible to create a code block of pseudocode in R Markdown/knitr?

我尝试过使用反引号和波浪号,但它们需要语言。 我只想要一个带有突出显示背景的纯文本代码块。

使用eval=FALSEtidy=FALSE直到达到关键字(如if ,后续代码将在.Rmd文件和输出PDF中以颜色突出显示。 不通过选项指定语言会删除背景突出显示输出中的代码的功能。

```{r, eval=FALSE,tidy=FALSE}
loop through each species
    loop through each measurement of the current species
         if measurement ...

这里有一些示例代码可以很好地呈现给HTML。 它还可以正确呈现Word和PDF。

title: "Untitled"
output: html_document

Here is some plain text.

Next, let's write some pseudo code.  Note that you don't _have_ to specify a language if using plain backticks.

object <- [some kind of calculation]

If you set `eval = FALSE` you can get the highlighted background

```{r, eval = FALSE}
object <- [some kind of calculation]
Note that this; is not valid R code

You may find it interesting that your example works just fine for me.

```{r, eval=FALSE}
loop through each species
    loop through each measurement of the current species

使用tidy = FALSE

```{r, tidy=FALSE, eval=FALSE, highlight=FALSE }





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