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[英]python: search file for string

我试图创建一个包含2个参数的python函数; 文件名和搜索字符串。 在这种情况下,文件名是脚本本身(script.py),搜索字符串是'name =“ JOHN”'


import os, sys

# Variable string
name = "JOHN"

# Main function
def search_script_for_string(filename, searchString):

f = open(filename,'r') #open the given filename then
filedata = f.read()    #assign it to variable then
f.close()              #close the open filename

for lines in filedata:        #loop through each line in the filedata variable
    if searchString in lines: #if search string is found, then do all of this
        print ('Found string: %s') % searchString
        return True

    else:           #if not found, then do all of this
        print ('Did not find: %s') % searchString
        return False

# Pass the file name and the search string parameter to the function

search_script_for_string("test.py","name = \"" + name + "\"")


$ Did not find: name = "JOHN"


$ Found string: name = "JOHN"

如果有人可以帮助纠正我对我在这里出问题的理解,那我将不胜感激。 谢谢

f.read()以单个字符串形式返回文件的全部内容。 然后,您遍历这些内容-但是遍历一个字符串一次仅产生1个字符,因此,字符不可能包含您要查找的子字符串。

def search_script_for_string(filename, searchString):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        return searchString in f.read()

应该可以。 或者,如果要逐行搜索:

def search_script_for_string(filename, searchString):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            return searchString in line

您正在通过for c in f.read()调用for c in f.read()来遍历文件的每个字符。

for line in f您的确会遍历每行。

还喜欢使用with ,这使您的代码更加健壮。


with open('fileName') as f:
    for line in f:


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