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C++ - 在后台 POSIX 线程上以固定增量时间循环

[英]C++ - Loop with fixed delta time on a background POSIX Thread


该函数应该被调用 60 次/秒,因此在时间戳 0、0.0166 等处。应该尽可能精确地命中时间戳。

简单但可能不是最好的解决方案是运行 while(true) 循环并让线程休眠,直到下次调用该函数时为止。 这是一半 C++/一半伪代码是如何做到的。

float fixedDeltaTime = 1.0 / 60.0;
void loopFunction() 
         auto currentTime = getTime();
         // do work
         auto timePassed = getTime() - currentTime;
         int times = (timePassed / fixedDeltaTime);
         sleep(  (fixedDeltaTime * times) - timePassed)

int main()
   std::thread loopFunction(call_from_thread);
   return 0;

昨天,我问了同样的问题,要求使用 C++11 std::thread 的解决方案。 评论中有人告诉我,使用 POSIX 线程会更好。 虽然 pthreads 对我来说似乎更复杂,所以我希望这里有人可以告诉我如何用 pthreads 解决这个问题。

Posix 线程肯定会在前台和后台任务之间提供更快的通信,但如果您想要精确,我建议使用clock_nanosleep来跟踪实时内核上的时间。


#ifndef __TIMERS_H__
#define __TIMERS_H__

#include <stdint.h>  /* uint64_t                           */
#include <time.h>    /* clockid_t of clock_nanosleep()     */


/* Common facility functions needed for
 * high precision timers usage


#define SEC_VAL 1000000000ULL

enum return_values {

typedef void* timespec_ptr;

typedef struct timespec timespec_t;

/* Adds time_us microseconds to timer ts
void timespec_add_ns(timespec_ptr ts,
        uint64_t time_ns);
/* Makes the thread wait for the next activation of the timer ts
void wait_next_activation(timespec_ptr ts); /*** @ Tasks ***/
/* Starts the periodic timer
int start_periodic_timer(timespec_ptr ts,
        uint64_t init_offs_ns);

/* Computes the difference among two clocks
long calcdiff(struct timespec t1,
        struct timespec t2);


extern int clock_nanosleep(clockid_t clock_id, int flags,
                           const struct timespec* request,
                           struct timespec* remain);




#include "timers.h"
#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */


/* Adds time_us microseconds to timer ts
void timespec_add_ns(timespec_ptr ts,
        uint64_t time_ns)
    if (ts)
        timespec_t* ts_ = (timespec_t*) ts;

        time_ns += ts_->tv_nsec;
        ts_->tv_sec += time_ns/SEC_VAL;
        ts_->tv_nsec = time_ns%SEC_VAL;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning (%s): input argument is NULL, \
                         request ignored.\n", __FUNCTION__);

/* Makes the thread wait for the next activation of the timer ts
void wait_next_activation(timespec_ptr ts)
    if (ts)
        timespec_t* ts_ = (timespec_t*) ts;

        clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, ts_, NULL);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning (%s): input parameter is NULL, \
                         request ignored.\n", __FUNCTION__);

/* Starts the periodic timer
int start_periodic_timer(timespec_ptr ts,
        uint64_t init_offs_ns) /*** @ Tasks ***/
    if (ts)
        timespec_t* ts_ = (timespec_t*) ts;

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ts_);
        timespec_add_ns(ts, init_offs_ns);
        return RETURN_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning (%s): input parameter is NULL, \
                         request ignored.\n", __FUNCTION__);
        return RETURN_FAILURE;

/* Computes the difference among two clocks
long calcdiff(struct timespec t1,
        struct timespec t2) /*** @ Tasks ***/
    long diff;

    diff = SEC_VAL * ((int) t1.tv_sec - (int) t2.tv_sec);
    diff += ((int) t1.tv_nsec - (int) t2.tv_nsec);
    return diff;



void run (void *args) {
    start_periodict_timer(&timer_, offset);
    while (true) {
        timespec_add_ns(&timer_, period);

        /* do your periodic task */




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