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[英]While loop runs continuously in Python, good input or bad?

我正在编写一个代码,要求用户提供一个百分比,并一直询问用户是否输入了可接受的输入。 但是,当我运行此命令时,无论我输入哪种输入,while循环都不会中断。


import math

while True:
        entered = float(raw_input("Please enter the velocity (as a percentage of the speed of light): "))
    except ValueError:
        print("Sorry, an acceptable input was not entered. Try again.")

    if entered > 100:
        print("Sorry, a velocity greater than the speed of light cannot be used. Try again.")
    elif entered <= 0:
        print("Sorry, a percent cannot be negative. Try again.")
        #the percent entered is valid, break out of while loop

print("Ship is traveling at ", entered, "% the speed of light.")
print("  ")

speedOfLight = 299792458                         #speed of light constant
percentage = entered / 100                       #turn entered percent into decimal
speed = speedOfLight * percentage                #actual speed (in m/s)         
denominator = math.sqrt(1 - (percentage ** 2))   #denominator of factor equation
factor =  1 / denominator                        #solve for given factor equation

shipWeight = 70000 * factor                      #given ship weight * factor
alphaCentauri = 4.3 / factor                     # given times divided by the factor
barnardsStar = 6.0 / factor
betelgeuse = 309 /factor
andromeda = 2000000 / factor

print("At this speed: ")
print("    Weight of the shuttle is ", shipWeight)
print("    Perceived time to travel to Alpha Centauri is ", alphaCentauri, " years.")
print("    Perceived time to travel to Barnard's Star is ", barnardsStar, " years.")
print("    Perceived time to travel to Betelgeuse is ", betelgeuse, " years.")
print("    Perceived time to travel to Andromeda Galaxy is ", andromeda, " years.")

您正在检查except中的数据输入。 除非float引发ValueError否则您永远不会进入自己的内部。

您只想将条件移至exceptexcept ,因此可以检查通过float强制转换的数据:

while True:
        entered = float(input("Please enter the velocity (as a percentage of the speed of light): "))
    except ValueError:
        print("Sorry, an acceptable input was not entered. Try again.")

    if entered > 100:
        print("Sorry, a velocity greater than the speed of light cannot be used. Try again.")
    elif entered <= 0:
        print("Sorry, a percent cannot be negative. Try again.")
        #the percent entered is valid, break out of while loop

您的缩进有点奇怪,并且代码永远不会到达break语句,因为您continue此之前continue循环。 幸运的是,您可以使用else关键字使其起作用:

while True:
        entered = float(raw_input("Please enter the velocity (as a percentage of the speed of light): "))
    except ValueError:
        print("Sorry, an acceptable input was not entered. Try again.")
    else: # no exception
        if entered > 100:
            print("Sorry, a velocity greater than the speed of light cannot be used. Try again.")
        elif entered <= 0:
            print("Sorry, a percent cannot be negative. Try again.")
            #the percent entered is valid, break out of while loop

您甚至不需要继续/中断即可完成这项工作。 您还需要“导入数学”,这将在您最终退出while循环时变得很重要。

您需要做的就是观察缩进。 try / except位置不合适-如果这反映了代码的实际编写方式,则说明了while循环永无休止。


import math

valid = False

while not valid:
            entered = float(raw_input("Please enter the velocity (as a percentage of the speed of light): "))
    except ValueError:
            print("Sorry, an acceptable input was not entered. Try again.")

    if entered > 100:
        print("Sorry, a velocity greater than the speed of light cannot be used. Try again.")
    elif entered <= 0:
        print("Sorry, a percent cannot be negative. Try again.")
        #the percent entered is valid, break out of while loop
            valid = True

print("Ship is traveling at ", entered, "% the speed of light.")
print("  ")

speedOfLight = 299792458                         #speed of light constant
percentage = entered / 100                       #turn entered percent into decimal
speed = speedOfLight * percentage                #actual speed (in m/s)         
denominator = math.sqrt(1 - (percentage ** 2))   #denominator of factor equation
factor =  1 / denominator                        #solve for given factor equation

shipWeight = 70000 * factor                      #given ship weight * factor
alphaCentauri = 4.3 / factor                     # given times divided by the factor
barnardsStar = 6.0 / factor
betelgeuse = 309 /factor
andromeda = 2000000 / factor

print("At this speed: ")
print("    Weight of the shuttle is ", shipWeight)
print("    Perceived time to travel to Alpha Centauri is ", alphaCentauri, " years.")
print("    Perceived time to travel to Barnard's Star is ", barnardsStar, " years.")
print("    Perceived time to travel to Betelgeuse is ", betelgeuse, " years.")
print("    Perceived time to travel to Andromeda Galaxy is ", andromeda, " years.")


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