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[英]Linked list in C: Why am I segfaulting?

我是C的新手,一直致力于手工编写链表。 现在,我正在研究一种从列表前面删除元素的方法。 它写道:

   void remove_from_front(List *l)
      Node *head = l->first;

      l->first = l->first->next;


我确信这是显而易见的,但我没有得到它。 以下是我的问题的一些相关数据:

之前的研究。 我查看了多个SO帖子,包括这个帖子,但都使用了我似乎无法分开的不同实现。 整个互联网上有这些代码的例子,但我不明白它们是如何工作的,宁愿知道我的代码做错了什么。

相关代码片段。 这是我程序中的其余代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Node{
  void *element;
  struct Node *next;
  struct Node *prev;
} Node;

typedef struct List{
  struct Node *first;
  struct Node *last;
} List;

void add_to_front(List *l, void *toAdd)
  Node *n = (Node *)calloc(1, sizeof(Node));
  n->element = toAdd;
  n->next = l->first;
  n->prev = NULL;

  if(l->first != NULL)
      l->first->prev = n;
    l->first = n;

void add_to_back(List *l, void *toAdd)
  Node *n = (Node *)calloc(1, sizeof(Node));
  n->element = toAdd;
  n->next = NULL;
  n->prev = l->last;

  if(l->last != NULL)
      l->last->next = n;
    l->last = n;

void remove_from_front(List *l)
  Node *head = l->first;

  l->first = l->first->next;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  List *l = calloc(1, sizeof(List));
  l->first = NULL;
  l->last = NULL;

  add_to_front(l, (void *)'a');
  printf("First element: %c\n", l->first->element);
  add_to_back(l, (void *)'b');
  printf("Last element: %c\n", l->last->element);
  printf("New first element: %c\n", l->first->element);
  return 0;

调试器输出。 这是我运行此代码时得到的调试器输出。


==9389== Invalid write of size 4
==9389==    at 0x804852E: remove_from_front (in /home/vagrant/plc/linkedList)
==9389==    by 0x80485D3: main (in /home/vagrant/plc/linkedList)
==9389==  Address 0x8 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==9389== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==9389==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x8
==9389==    at 0x804852E: remove_from_front (in /home/vagrant/plc/linkedList)
==9389==    by 0x80485D3: main (in /home/vagrant/plc/linkedList)
==9389==  If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==9389==  overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==9389==  possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==9389==  main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==9389==  The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608.


Starting program: /home/vagrant/plc/linkedList
First element: a
Last element: b

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0804852e in remove_from_front ()


First element: a
Last element: b
Segmentation fault

如果可能的话,我将不胜感激。 谢谢!

问题是当你在前面添加时,如果它是列表中的第一个元素,你需要设置最后一个指针,让它指向第一个元素,也就是说,当列表有单个元素时, first和last应该指向同一个Node。

// in add_to_front
if (l->last == NULL) {
    l->last = l->first;
// add to back:
if (l->first == NULL) {
    l->first = l->last;
// in remove from front, check if the list is empty:
if (l->first == NULL)

第二个问题。 如果删除最后一个节点,请清除最后一个引用

void remove_from_front(List *l)
  Node *head = l->first;

  l->first = l->first->next;

  if (!l->first)
    l->last = 0;



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