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[英]Reduce number of parentheses for a binary expression tree

我有一个函数,该函数接收二进制表达式树,并按顺序返回带有表达式的String。 唯一的“问题”是,结果表达式的括号过多,
例如:函数返回(a +(b * c)),但可以将其简化为a + b * c。

private static String infijo(ArbolB t){
    String s = "";
    if (t != null) {
        String info = String.valueOf(t.info);
        if ("+-*/".contains(info)) s += "(";
        if ("_".contains(info)) s += "-(";
        s += infijo(t.left) + (info.equals("_") ? "" : info) + infijo(t.right);
        if ("+-*/_".contains(String.valueOf(t.info))) s += ")";
    return s;


public class ArbolB {

    ArbolB right;
    ArbolB left;
    Object info;

    public ArbolB(Object info, ArbolB right, ArbolB left){
        this.info = info;
        this.right = right;
        this.left = left;

将整个内容写完之后,我意识到我并没有真正正确地回答您的问题(我的解决方案忽略了PEMDAS,只是配对了,噢!)。 因此,从中获取您所能...我不会把它扔掉:P

我认为您可以通过任何一种方式解决此问题,但这将是我的首选方法,使用并信任您已经拥有的内容。 使用节点执行此操作可能是一种好方法,但是为什么不使用现有资源呢?

从将表达式表示为字符串的点开始(例如“(((2 * 2)+ __(3 + 3)))”),可以尝试以下操作:

public string RemoveUnnecessaryParens(string expression)
    readonly string openParen = "(";
    readonly string closeParen = ")";
    // char array would also work for this
    // multiple ways to track "balance" of parens, lets use int
    int unclosedParenCount = 0;

    string toReturn = "";

    // iterate through the expression 
    for (int i = 0; i < expression.Length; i++)
        string current = expression.Substring(i,1);
        if (openParen == current)
        else if (closedParen == current)
            toReturn += current;

        if (unclosedParenCount < 0) throw new UnbalancedExpressionException(); // One more close than open! Uh oh!

    if (0 != unclosedParenCount) throw new UnbalancedExpressionException(); // One more open than close at the end! Uh oh!
    else return toReturn;


好了,考虑了一会儿之后,我自己解决了一个问题,添加了一个优先级函数来确定何时需要使用括号,并添加了一个变量,该变量指示操作是在公式的左侧还是右侧,这是因为-b + c不需要括号,但是c +(ab)确实需要括号。

private static String infijo(ArbolB t, int priority, boolean right) {
    String s = "";
    int oP = 0;
    if (t != null) {
        String info = String.valueOf(t.info);
        int pi = priority(info);
        if ("+-*/".contains(info)) {
            /* this only adds parentheses if the operation has higher priority or if the 
               operation on the right side should be done before the one on the left side*/
            if ("+-*/".contains(info)) {
                if (pi/2 < priority/2) s += "(";
                else s += pi/2 == priority/2 && pi != priority && right ? "(" : "";
                oP = priority; //stores the old priority
                priority= pi; //priority of the new operator
        if ("_".contains(info)) {
            s += "-";
            oP = priority;
            priority = pi;
        s += infijo(t.left, priority, false) + (info.equals("_") ? "" : info) 
              + infijo(t.right, priority, true);
        if ("+-*/".contains(info)) {
         // adds the closing parentheses following the same rules as for the opening ones
            if (priority / 2 < oP / 2) s += ")";
            else s += priority / 2 == oP / 2 && priority != oP && right ? ")" : "";
    return s;

private static int priority(String op) {
    if ("_".contains(op))   return 4;
    if ("/".contains(op))   return 3;
    if ("*".contains(op))   return 2;
    if ("-".contains(op))   return 1;
                            return 0;

public String toString() {
    ArbolB f = getFormula(); //this returns the Binary Expression Tree
    return infijo(f, Integer.MIN_VALUE, false);


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