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为什么我收到此错误? twitter_list_dict.append(line [0])IndexError:列表索引超出范围

[英]why am I getting this error? twitter_list_dict.append(line[0]) IndexError: list index out of range

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\myscripts\NewTermSentimentInference.py", line 88, in <module>
  File "D:\myscripts\NewTermSentimentInference.py", line 34, in main
    tweets = tweet_dict(twitterData)
  File "D:\myscripts\NewTermSentimentInference.py", line 15, in tweet_dict
IndexError: list index out of range


twitterData = sys.argv[0] # csv file

def tweet_dict(twitterData):  
    ''' (file) -> list of dictionaries
    This method should take your csv file
    file and create a list of dictionaries.
    twitter_list_dict = []
    twitterfile = open(twitterData)
    twitterreader = csv.reader(twitterfile)
    for line in twitterreader:
    return twitter_list_dict

def sentiment_dict(sentimentData):
    ''' (file) -> dictionary
    This method should take your sentiment file
    and create a dictionary in the form {word: value}
    afinnfile = open(sentimentData)
    scores = {} # initialize an empty dictionary
    for line in afinnfile:
        term, score  = line.split("\t")  # The file is tab-delimited. "\t" means "tab character"
        scores[term] = float(score)  # Convert the score to an integer.   
    return scores # Print every (term, score) pair in the dictionary

def main():

    tweets = tweet_dict(twitterData)
    sentiment = sentiment_dict("AFINN-111.txt")
    accum_term = dict()

    """Calculating sentiment scores for the whole tweet with unknown terms set to score of zero
    See -> DeriveTweetSentimentEasy

    for index in range(len(tweets)):

        tweet_word = tweets[index].split()
        sent_score = 0 # sentiment of the sentence
        term_count = {}
        term_list = []



如果line是一个空列表,那么'list index out of range'错误将在twitter_list_dict.append(line[0])抛出,因此没有第一个要引用的元素。 最有可能是罪魁祸首:一个或多个在CSV行是空的,这将导致csv.reader返回一个空列表line


for line in twitterreader:
  if line: # Check if line is non-empty
return twitter_list_dict


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