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[英]resolving bracketing error when creating constructors in Java

当我尝试在以下程序中打开第二个构造函数时,在Eclipse中出现括弧错误(第15和18行)“ public Account myCustomAccount ... balance = initial balance;}”。 该程序适用于Dietel“编程入门”第9章练习7。

我怀疑自己在错误地创建了构造函数。 您提供什么建议? (提前谢谢您!!)

import java.util.Date;

public class Account {

//declare required variables
private int id = 0;
private double balance = 0;
private double annualInterestRate = 0; //assume all accounts have the same interest rate
private Date dateCreated = new Date(); //no-argument instance stores the present date

//define default & custom constructors
public Account mydefaultaccount = new Account(); //no-argument instance of Account  

public Account myCustomAccount = new Account(int identNum, double initialBalance) {
    id = identNum;
    balance = initialBalance;

//define getters
public int getId() {
    return id;

public double getBalance() {
    return balance;

public double annualInterestRate() {
    return annualInterestRate;

public Date getDate() {
    return dateCreated;

//define setters
public void setId(int idSetter) {
    id = idSetter;

public void setBalance(double balanceSetter) {
    balance = balanceSetter;

public void setAnnualInterestRate(double annualSetter) {
    annualInterestRate = annualSetter;

//define required monthly interest rate getter
public double getMonthlyInterestRate() {
    double moInt = annualInterestRate / 12;
    return moInt;

//define modifiers
public double withdraw(int withdraw) {
    balance = balance - withdraw;

public double deposit(int deposit) {
    balance = balance + deposit;

那不是定义构造函数的方式。 构造函数应遵循以下形式:

public className(parameters) {}


ClassName variable = new ClassName(Parameters);


public Account() {
    /* Body */

public Account(int identNum, double initialBalance) {
    /* Body */


Account ac = new Account(Parameters);


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