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[英]Assign column with value in the dataset itself using R

我对R很陌生。我有一列数据,其中包含大约26000个数据,该列包含大约1200个唯一数据。 让我们假设该列的名称为“ Breed”。


  1. 我需要获取列中每个唯一值的频率。

    我提取了BreedType和频率,如下所示。 (品种列的名称为BreedType)

  2. 然后,如果每个BreedType的频率小于50,则使用if条件,我需要使用'F'创建一个新列,如果大于50,则需要为该列分配'Breedtype'的值。


x<- sort(table(full$Breed),decreasing=T)

names(w)[1] = 'BreedType'


但是给出的输出不是我期望的。 尽管F正确分配了每一列,但w $ BreedType不会获得BreedType的值,而是将整数加1而不是给出特定的BreedType的整数。




 Shetland Sheepdog Mix
 Domestic Shorthair Mix
 Pit Bull Mix
 Domestic Shorthair Mix
 Lhasa Apso/Miniature Poodle
 Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Shorthair
 Domestic Shorthair Mix
 Domestic Shorthair Mix
 American Pit Bull Terrier Mix
 Cairn Terrier
 Domestic Shorthair Mix
 Miniature Schnauzer Mix
 Pit Bull Mix
 Yorkshire Terrier Mix
 Great Pyrenees Mix
 Domestic Shorthair Mix
 Domestic Shorthair Mix
 Pit Bull Mix
 Angora Mix
 Flat Coat Retriever Mix
 Queensland Heeler Mix
 Domestic Shorthair Mix
 Plott Hound/Boxer


BreedType                   Frequency   TrueFalse

Shetland Sheepdog Mix       60          Shetland Sheepdog Mix  
Domestic Shorthair Mix      20          F
Pit Bull Mix                80          Pit Bull Mix
Domestic Shorthair Mix      10          F

原始数据- full数据帧:

> full
#                      Breed
# 1:             Shetland Sheepdog Mix
# 2:            Domestic Shorthair Mix
# 3:                      Pit Bull Mix
# 4:            Domestic Shorthair Mix
# 5:       Lhasa Apso/Miniature Poodle
# 6: Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Shorthair
# 7:            Domestic Shorthair Mix
# 8:            Domestic Shorthair Mix
# 9:     American Pit Bull Terrier Mix
# 10:                     Cairn Terrier
# 11:            Domestic Shorthair Mix
# 12:           Miniature Schnauzer Mix
# 13:                      Pit Bull Mix
# 14:             Yorkshire Terrier Mix
# 15:                Great Pyrenees Mix
# 16:            Domestic Shorthair Mix
# 17:            Domestic Shorthair Mix
# 18:                      Pit Bull Mix
# 19:                        Angora Mix
# 20:           Flat Coat Retriever Mix
# 21:             Queensland Heeler Mix
# 22:            Domestic Shorthair Mix
# 23:                 Plott Hound/Boxer
# Breed





full复制到dt1 这样做是为了备份full数据表

dt1 <- copy(full)

通过BreedType(品种列)对dt1进行分组,然后访问.N内部变量,该变量存储每个子集中的条目数,并对其进行ifelse条件。 然后将其另存为Frequency和TrueFalse列变量。

dt1[, c("Frequency", "TrueFalse") := .(.N, ifelse(.N < 50, FALSE, Breed)), by = Breed]


> dt1
#                          Breed          Frequency TrueFalse
# 1:             Shetland Sheepdog Mix         1     FALSE
# 2:            Domestic Shorthair Mix         8     FALSE
# 3:                      Pit Bull Mix         3     FALSE
# 4:            Domestic Shorthair Mix         8     FALSE
# 5:       Lhasa Apso/Miniature Poodle         1     FALSE
# 6: Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Shorthair         1     FALSE
# 7:            Domestic Shorthair Mix         8     FALSE
# 8:            Domestic Shorthair Mix         8     FALSE
# 9:     American Pit Bull Terrier Mix         1     FALSE
# 10:                     Cairn Terrier         1     FALSE
# 11:            Domestic Shorthair Mix         8     FALSE
# 12:           Miniature Schnauzer Mix         1     FALSE
# 13:                      Pit Bull Mix         3     FALSE
# 14:             Yorkshire Terrier Mix         1     FALSE
# 15:                Great Pyrenees Mix         1     FALSE
# 16:            Domestic Shorthair Mix         8     FALSE
# 17:            Domestic Shorthair Mix         8     FALSE
# 18:                      Pit Bull Mix         3     FALSE
# 19:                        Angora Mix         1     FALSE
# 20:           Flat Coat Retriever Mix         1     FALSE
# 21:             Queensland Heeler Mix         1     FALSE
# 22:            Domestic Shorthair Mix         8     FALSE
# 23:                 Plott Hound/Boxer         1     FALSE
# Breed Frequency TrueFalse


假设您已经实现了每个BreedType的频率实现。 这类似于@Sathish,但是使用data.frame而不是data.table

testData <- data.frame(BreedType = c("Shetland Sheepdog Mix", "Domestic Shorthair Mix", "Pit Bull Mix", "Domestic Shorthair Mix"),
                   Frequency = c(60, 20, 80, 10), stringsAsFactors = F)
testData$TrueFalse <- testData$BreedType
testData$TrueFalse[testData$Frequency < 50] <- F 

输出与您所拥有的相同。 但是,“ FALSE”将转换为字符串(而不是布尔值),因为该列已初始化为字符向量。 我不确定您是否可以混合使用布尔值和字符串。

您可以使用plyr包中的count功能。 我已经使用您所提供的数据演示了一个示例。

> library(plyr)

> df <- read.table(text = "Shetland Sheepdog Mix
  Domestic Shorthair Mix
  Pit Bull Mix
  Domestic Shorthair Mix
  Lhasa Apso/Miniature Poodle
  Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Shorthair
  Domestic Shorthair Mix
  Domestic Shorthair Mix
  American Pit Bull Terrier Mix
  Cairn Terrier
  Domestic Shorthair Mix
  Miniature Schnauzer Mix
  Pit Bull Mix
  Yorkshire Terrier Mix
  Great Pyrenees Mix
  Domestic Shorthair Mix
  Domestic Shorthair Mix
  Pit Bull Mix
  Angora Mix
  Flat Coat Retriever Mix
  Queensland Heeler Mix
  Domestic Shorthair Mix
  Plott Hound/Boxer", sep='\n', stringsAsFactors = F, col.names = c('Breed'))


> df <- count(df, 'Breed')

> df 

##                                 Breed freq
## 1       American Pit Bull Terrier Mix    1
## 2                          Angora Mix    1
## 3                       Cairn Terrier    1
## 4   Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Shorthair    1
## 5              Domestic Shorthair Mix    8
## 6             Flat Coat Retriever Mix    1
## ...
## ...

> df$TrueFalse <- ifelse(df$freq >= 3, df$Breed, F)

> df

                                        Breed freq                    TrueFalse
## 1            American Pit Bull Terrier Mix    1                        FALSE
## 2                               Angora Mix    1                        FALSE
## 3                            Cairn Terrier    1                        FALSE
## 4        Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Shorthair    1                        FALSE
## 5                   Domestic Shorthair Mix    8       Domestic Shorthair Mix
## 6                  Flat Coat Retriever Mix    1                        FALSE

好吧,您也可以使用base R table来获取频率

new_df <- data.frame(table(df$Breed))
#                            Var1              Freq
#1        American Pit Bull Terrier Mix    1
#2                           Angora Mix    1
#3                        Cairn Terrier    1
#4    Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Shorthair    1
#5               Domestic Shorthair Mix    8
#6              Flat Coat Retriever Mix    1
#7                   Great Pyrenees Mix    1
#8          Lhasa Apso/Miniature Poodle    1
#9              Miniature Schnauzer Mix    1
#10                        Pit Bull Mix    3
#11                   Plott Hound/Boxer    1
#12               Queensland Heeler Mix    1
#13               Shetland Sheepdog Mix    1
#14               Yorkshire Terrier Mix    1


new_df$TrueFalse <- ifelse(new_df$Freq > 2, as.character(new_df$Var1), "F")

#                                 Var1  Freq                TrueFalse
#1        American Pit Bull Terrier Mix    1                        F
#2                           Angora Mix    1                        F
#3                        Cairn Terrier    1                        F
#4    Cairn Terrier/Chihuahua Shorthair    1                        F
#5               Domestic Shorthair Mix    8   Domestic Shorthair Mix
#6              Flat Coat Retriever Mix    1                        F
#7                   Great Pyrenees Mix    1                        F
#8          Lhasa Apso/Miniature Poodle    1                        F
#9              Miniature Schnauzer Mix    1                        F
#10                        Pit Bull Mix    3             Pit Bull Mix
#11                   Plott Hound/Boxer    1                        F
#12               Queensland Heeler Mix    1                        F
#13               Shetland Sheepdog Mix    1                        F
#14               Yorkshire Terrier Mix    1                        F


setDT(df)[, .(Frequency = .N, TrueFalse = .N > 55), by = Breed]


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