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关于何时在Crockford的Pseudoclassical Inheritance示例中使用原型的困惑

[英]Confusion about when to use prototype in Crockford's example of Pseudoclassical Inheritance

在Douglas Crockford的JavaScript:The Good Parts中 ,他用这段代码解释了伪古典继承的概念,该代码展示了Cat继承自Mammal

var Cat = function (name) {
        this.name = name;
        this.saying = 'meow';
    // Replace Cat.prototype with a new instance of Mammal

    Cat.prototype = new Mammal();

    // Augment the new prototype with
    // purr and get_name methods.

    Cat.prototype.purr = function (n) {
        var i, s = '';
        for (i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
            if (s) {
               s += '-'; 
            s += 'r'; 
         return s; 

    Cat.prototype.get_name = function () { 
        return this.says() + ' ' + this.name +
                ' ' + this.says();

var myCat = new Cat('Henrietta');
var says = myCat.says(); // 'meow'
var purr = myCat.purr(5); // 'r-r-r-r-r' var name = myCat.get_name();
// 'meow Henrietta meow'


Function.method('inherits', function (Parent) { 
   this.prototype = new Parent();
   return this;


var Cat = function (name) {
         this.name = name;
         this.saying = 'meow';
         method('purr', function (n) {
             var i, s = '';
             for (i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
                 if (s) {
                     s += '-';
        s += 'r'; 
    return s; 
    method('get_name', function () {
        return this.says() + ' ' + this.name + ' ' + this.says();

在我看来,在这个新示例中, purrget_name直接在Cat对象上定义,而在第一个示例中,它们是在Cat.prototypeCat.prototype 那正确吗? 如果是这样,为什么他没有在Cat.prototype上定义他的新方法? 这有什么不同吗?

purrget_name直接在Cat对象上定义,而在第一个示例中,它们是在Cat.prototypeCat.prototype 那正确吗?

不。虽然他在Cat函数上调用method方法,但它确实在接收器的.prototype属性上定义了方法。 也许回头几页,再看一下Function.prototype.method的代码:

Function.prototype.method = function (name, func) {
    this.prototype[name] = func;
    return this;




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