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模块没有属性many2one-Odoo v9社区

[英]Module has not attrbiute many2one - Odoo v9 community



import logging
from openerp import api, fields, models, _
from openerp.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval

class refund(models.Model):

"""Inherits account.invoice.refund and adds journal_id field"""
    _name = "account.invoice.refund"
    _inherit = "account.invoice.refund"

    _columns = {
       'journal_id': fields.many2one('account.journal', 'Refund Journal', help='You can select here the journal to use for the credit note that will be created. If you leave that field empty, it will use the same journal as the current invoice.'),


2016-08-30 00:04:41,807 12893 CRITICAL odoov9_ openerp.modules.module: Couldn't load module debit_credit_note
2016-08-30 00:04:41,807 12893 CRITICAL odoov9_ openerp.modules.module: 'module' object has no attribute 'many2one'
2016-08-30 00:04:41,808 12893 ERROR odoov9_ openerp.modules.registry:    Failed to load registry
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/modules/registry.py", line 386, in new
openerp.modules.load_modules(registry._db, force_demo, status, update_module)
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/modules/loading.py", line 334, in load_modules
force, status, report, loaded_modules, update_module)
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/modules/loading.py", line 237, in load_marked_modules
loaded, processed = load_module_graph(cr, graph, progressdict, report=report, skip_modules=loaded_modules, perform_checks=perform_checks)
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/modules/loading.py", line 123, in load_module_graph
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/modules/module.py", line 324, in load_openerp_module
__import__('openerp.addons.' + module_name)
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/modules/module.py", line 61, in load_module
mod = imp.load_module('openerp.addons.' + module_part, f, path, descr)
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/addons/debit_credit_note/__init__.py", line 31, in <module>
import models
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/addons/debit_credit_note/models/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
import debit_credit
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/addons/debit_credit_note/models/debit_credit.py", line 27, in <module>
class refund(models.Model):
File "/home/kristian/odoov9/odoo-9.0c-20160712/openerp/addons/debit_credit_note/models/debit_credit.py", line 36, in refund
'journal_id': fields.many2one('account.journal', 'Refund Journal', help='You can select here the journal to use for the credit note that will be created. If you leave that field empty, it will use the same journal as the current invoice.'),
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'many2one'




在导入新api的fields ,但以旧api方式定义fields ,出现错误“模块没有属性many2one”。 如果您在新api中编写代码,则最大递归错误也应得到解决。

如果您正在为Odoo 9编写此模块,则最好在新的api中编写该模块。 以下是使用新api编写的代码:

import logging
from openerp import api, fields, models, _
from openerp.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval

class refund(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.invoice.refund"

journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal', string='Refund Journal', help='You can select here the journal to use for the credit note that will be created. If you leave that field empty, it will use the same journal as the current invoice.')



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