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[英]Process each line of text file using Python

我对Python相当陌生。 我有一个文本文件,其中包含以下格式的许多数据块以及其他不必要的块。

    NOT REQUIRED :: 123
    Connected Part-1:: A ~$
    Connected Part-3:: B ~$         
    Connector Location:: 100 200 300 ~$
    NOT REQUIRED :: 456
    Connected Part-2:: C ~$

我希望提取与每个属性(连接的第1部分,连接器的位置)相对应的信息(A,B,C,100 200 300),并将其存储为列表,以备后用。 我准备了以下代码,该文件读取文件,清理行并将其存储为列表。

    import fileinput
    with open('C:/Users/file.txt') as f:
    content = f.readlines()
    for line in content:
            if 'Connected Part-1' in line or 'Connected Part-3' in line:
                    if 'Connected Part-1' in line:
                            connected_part_1 = [s.strip(' \n ~ $ Connected Part -1 ::') for s in content]                               
                            print ('PART_1:',connected_part_1)                                  
                    if 'Connected Part-3' in line:
                            connected_part_3 = [s.strip(' \n ~ $ Connected Part -3 ::') for s in content]                               
                            print ('PART_3:',connected_part_3)                              
            if 'Connector Location' in line:                        
                    # removing unwanted characters and converting into the list
                    content_clean_1 = [s.strip('\n ~ $ Connector Location::') for s in content] 
                    #converting a single string item in list to a string
                    s = " ".join(content_clean_1)
                    # splitting the string and converting into a list
                    weld_location= s.split(" ")
                    print ('POSITION',weld_location)    


   PART_1: ['A', '\t\tConnector Location:: 100.00 200.00 300.00', '\t\tConnected Part-3:: C~\t']
   POSITION ['d', 'Part-1::', 'A', '\t\tConnector', 'Location::', '100.00', '200.00', '300.00', '\t\tConnected', 'Part-3::', 'C~\t']
   PART_3: ['1:: A', '\t\tConnector Location:: 100.00 200.00 300.00', '\t\tConnected Part-3:: C~\t']

从该程序的输出中,我可以得出结论,由于“内容”是由文件中所有字符组成的字符串,因此该程序没有读取单独的一行。 相反,它将所有文本视为单个字符串。 在这种情况下,有人可以帮忙吗?


   PART_1: ['A']
   PART_3: ['C']
   POSITION: ['100.00', '200.00','300.00']

(注)当我使用包含单行数据的单个文件时,它工作正常。 很抱歉这么长的问题

我将尝试弄清楚这一点,并展示在没有regex情况下我将如何做。 首先,所提供代码的最大问题是,在使用string.strip函数时,将读取整个内容列表:

connected_part_1 = [s.strip(' \n ~ $ Connected Part -1 ::') for s in content]


connected_part_1 = [line.strip(' \n ~ $ Connected Part -1 ::')]


templatestr = "{}: {}"

with open('inputreadlines.txt') as f:
    content = f.readlines()
    for line in content:
        label, value = line.split('::')
        ltokens = label.split()
        if ltokens[0] == 'Connected':
                ltokens[-1], #The last word on the label
                value.split()[:-1])) #the split value without the last word '~$'
        elif ltokens[0] == 'Connector':
            print(value.split()[:-1]) #the split value without the last word '~$'
        else: #NOT REQUIRED



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