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为什么尝试返回此函数会导致程序在C ++中崩溃?

[英]Why does attempting to return in this function cause the program to crash in C++?

我正在一个名为CodeFights的网站上解决挑战,以帮助我学习C ++并改进编程。 一个挑战是编写一个程序,该程序将根据第零个元素找到特定序列的长度:


元素1:1 ^ 2 + 6 ^ 2 = 37

元素2:3 ^ 2 + 7 ^ 2 = 58




#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int squareDigitsSequence(int a0) {
    int counter = 0; //Counts number of elements
    int temp = 0; //Stores current element
    std::vector<int> sequence (1); //Stores sequence
    sequence[0] = a0; //Stores first element in sequence
    for (int i = 0;; i++) { //Loops until sequence finishes
        counter += 1; //Increments counter
        temp = 0; //Resets element storage
        if (a0 < 10) { //If it is only 1 digit
            temp += pow(a0, 2);
        else if (a0 < 100 && a0 > 9) { //If it is 2 digits
            temp += pow(a0 / 10, 2);
            temp += pow(a0 % 10, 2);
        else { //If it is 3 digits
            temp += pow(a0 % 10, 2);
            temp += pow(((a0 % 100) - (a0 % 10)) / 10, 2);
            temp += pow(a0 / 100, 2);
        for (int b = 0; b < counter; b++) { //Checks if the element has appeared before
            if (temp == sequence[b]) {
                return counter; //Crashes here.
        sequence[i + 1] = temp; //Stores current element in sequence
        a0 = temp; //Moves element to be checked to current element
    return 0; //Would not accept the function without this

int main() {
    std::cout << squareDigitsSequence(16);
    return 0;

尝试运行此命令将导致程序崩溃。 我尝试调试,并且也寻找类似的问题,但没有成功。 帮助表示赞赏。

编辑:问题是我创建了一个大小为(1)的向量,并尝试向其添加更多元素。 解决方案使用.push_back()代替[i + 1]。



sequence[i + 1] = temp;


为避免此问题,请使用vector::push_back ,如果内部缓冲区不够大,它将扩大矢量。


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