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Python-从文本中提取主题标签; 以标点符号结尾

[英]Python - Extract hashtags from text; end at punctuation


该参数是推文。 此函数应返回一个列表,其中包含推文中所有主题标签的排列顺序(按它们在推文中出现的顺序)。 返回列表中的每个主题标签都应删除初始的哈希符号,并且主题标签应唯一。 (如果一条tweet两次使用相同的#标签,则该列表仅包含一次。#标签的顺序应与tweet中每个标签的首次出现的顺序相匹配。)

我不确定如何创建标签,以便在遇到标点符号时结束主题标签(请参阅第二个doctest示例)。 我当前的代码未输出任何内容:

def extract(start, tweet):
    """ (str, str) -> list of str

    Return a list of strings containing all words that start with a specified character.

    >>> extract('@', "Make America Great Again, vote @RealDonaldTrump")
    >>> extract('#', "Vote Hillary! #ImWithHer #TrumpsNotMyPresident")
    ['ImWithHer', 'TrumpsNotMyPresident']

    words = tweet.split()
    return [word[1:] for word in words if word[0] == start]

def strip_punctuation(s):
    """ (str) -> str

    Return a string, stripped of its punctuation.

    >>> strip_punctuation("Trump's in the lead... damn!")
    'Trumps in the lead damn'
    return ''.join(c for c in s if c not in '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~')

def extract_hashtags(tweet):
    """ (str) -> list of str

    Return a list of strings containing all unique hashtags in a tweet.
    Outputted in order of appearance.

    >>> extract_hashtags("I stand with Trump! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA #TrumpTrain")
    ['MakeAmericaGreatAgain', 'MAGA', 'TrumpTrain']
    >>> extract_hashtags('NEVER TRUMP. I'm with HER. Does #this! work?')

    hashtags = extract('#', tweet)

    no_duplicates = []

    for item in hashtags:
        if item not in no_duplicates and item.isalnum():

    result = []
    for hash in no_duplicates:
        for char in hash:
            if char.isalnum() == False and char != '#':
                hash == hash[:char.index()]
    return result

在这一点上我很迷茫。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 先感谢您。


您看起来确实有些迷路。 解决这类问题的关键是将问题分成较小的部分,加以解决,然后将结果合并。 您已拥有所需的每一块..:

def extract_hashtags(tweet):
    # strip the punctuation on the tags you've extracted (directly)
    hashtags = [strip_punctuation(tag) for tag in extract('#', tweet)]
    # hashtags is now a list of hash-tags without any punctuation, but possibly with duplicates

    result = []
    for tag in hashtags:
        if tag not in result:  # check that we haven't seen the tag already (we know it doesn't contain punctuation at this point)
    return result

ps:这是一个非常适合正则表达式解决方案的问题,但是如果您想要快速的strip_punctuation ,则可以使用:

def strip_punctuation(s):
    return s.translate(None, '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~')


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