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[英]GADT's: Is there a reason why the weakest or strongest type is not chosen

我正在阅读有趣的幽灵类型 第一个练习询问为什么有必要为在幻影类型上运行的函数提供签名。 虽然我无法提出一般原因,但我确实在以下示例中看到了一个问题:

data Expr a where
  I :: Int -> Expr Int
  B :: Bool -> Expr Bool
  Add :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
  Eq :: (Eq a) => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool

whatIs (I _) = "an integer expression"
whatIs (Add _ _) = "an adition operation"


Expr a -> String

Expr Int -> String


• Couldn't match expected type ‘t’ with actual type ‘[Char]’
    ‘t’ is untouchable
      inside the constraints: t1 ~ Int
      bound by a pattern with constructor: I :: Int -> Expr Int,
               in an equation for ‘whatIs’
      at ti.hs:9:9-11
  ‘t’ is a rigid type variable bound by
    the inferred type of whatIs :: Expr t1 -> t at ti.hs:9:1
  Possible fix: add a type signature for ‘whatIs’
• In the expression: "someString"
  In an equation for ‘whatIs’: whatIs (I _) = "someString"
• Relevant bindings include
    whatIs :: Expr t1 -> t (bound at ti.hs:9:1)


对于您的示例, Expr a -> String是比Expr Int -> String更严格的类型Expr Int -> String :在任何可以使用Expr Int -> String地方, Expr a -> String肯定会这样做。 但有时候没有 “最弱”或“最强”的类型。


data SoSimple a where
    SoSimple :: SoSimple Int

eval SoSimple = 3 :: Int


eval :: SoSimple a -> a
eval :: SoSimple a -> Int

这些类型不可互换! 每种都适用于不同的情况。 相比:

{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
import Data.Void

data SomeSimple where
    SomeSimple :: SoSimple a -> SomeSimple

-- typechecks if eval :: SoSimple a -> Int,
--    but not if eval :: SoSimple a -> a
evalSome :: SomeSimple -> Int
evalSome (SomeSimple x) = eval x

-- typechecks if eval :: SoSimple a -> a,
--    but not if eval :: SoSimple a -> Int
evalNone :: SoSimple Void -> Void
evalNone = eval

因此,这些都不比另一个更通用(并且事实证明,没有类型比两者更通用,同时仍然让eval自己进行类型检查)。 由于eval没有最通用的类​​型,因此拒绝选择类型并迫使用户决定他们想要的许多可能类型中的哪一种是有意义的。


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