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[英]R: How to create a new column with values based on certain values of another column?


Subj DashedOrQuest ItemNo TimesOrCorrect
1    dashed        243    859
1    dashed        243    648
1    dashed        243    655
1    dashed        243    389
1    question      243    1
1    dashed        244    465
1    dashed        244    844
1    dashed        244    578
1    dashed        244    713
1    question      244    0

我想做的是创建一个新列“ Quest”,以便对于每个ItemNo,都将在TimesOrCorrect中输入DashedOrQuest中“ question”值的数字。 换句话说,它应该看起来像这样

Subj DashedOrQuest ItemNo TimesOrCorrect Quest
1    dashed        243    859            1
1    dashed        243    648            1
1    dashed        243    655            1
1    dashed        243    389            1
1    question      243    1              1
1    dashed        244    465            0
1    dashed        244    844            0
1    dashed        244    578            0
1    dashed        244    713            0
1    question      244    0              0

有什么技巧可以在R中做到这一点吗? 提前致谢!



setDT(df)[, Quest := TimesOrCorrect[DashedOrQuest == "question"], by = .(Subj, ItemNo)]
#     Subj DashedOrQuest ItemNo TimesOrCorrect Quest
# 1:    1        dashed    243            859     1
# 2:    1        dashed    243            648     1
# 3:    1        dashed    243            655     1
# 4:    1        dashed    243            389     1
# 5:    1      question    243              1     1
# 6:    1        dashed    244            465     0
# 7:    1        dashed    244            844     0
# 8:    1        dashed    244            578     0
# 9:    1        dashed    244            713     0
#10:    1      question    244              0     0


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