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[英]Adding values to a list, from another list

我设置了一系列“ for”循环,现在可以确定3个值。 我现在想将3个值存储在列表中。 到目前为止,这是我尝试过的:

output = []                 # creates empty list
k = 0  
for i in range(len(GPS[0])-1):          # for loop through 1 column of GPS .csv this is the time
    for j in range(len(Data[0])-1):     # for loop through 1st column of Data .csv this is the time
        if GPS[1,i] == Data[1,j]:       # if loop, so if time in GPS = time in Data
              delta = i-j               # finds the difference between values
              #print(i,j, delta)          # prints row in i that matches row in j, and also the difference between them
              #print(GPS[1,i],Data[1,j])  # prints the Height from GPS and time from Data  
              output[k] = output.append(GPS[1,i], GPS[0,i], Data[1,j])

基本上我希望输出是一个包含3个值GPS[1,i]GPS[0,i]Data[0,j] 我尝试使用append,但是似乎无法使用它,我得到的只是一个“无”列表


output[k] = output.append(GPS[1,i], GPS[0,i], Data[1,j])

使用output.extend代替。 因此您的代码可能如下所示:

output = []                 # creates empty list
k = 0  
for i in range(len(GPS[0])-1):          # for loop through 1 column of GPS .csv this is the time
    for j in range(len(Data[0])-1):     # for loop through 1st column of Data .csv this is the time
        if GPS[1,i] == Data[1,j]:       # if loop, so if time in GPS = time in Data
              delta = i-j               # finds the difference between values
              #print(i,j, delta)          # prints row in i that matches row in j, and also the difference between them
              #print(GPS[1,i],Data[1,j])  # prints the Height from GPS and time from Data  
              output.extend([GPS[1,i], GPS[0,i], Data[1,j]])

此外,如果要将元组附加到输出,则可以执行output.append([GPS[1,i], GPS[0,i], Data[1,j]])


>>> output = []
>>> output.extend([1,2,3])
>>> output
[1, 2, 3]


>>> output = []
>>> output.append([1,2,3])
>>> output
[[1, 2, 3]]

您不需要使用output[k]因为append本身会将它们添加到output 老实说,您甚至不需要k因为k等于output的长度。

append不能像您尝试的那样接受多个参数。 如果要将三位数据作为一个元组相加,请使用:

output.append((GPS[1,i], GPS[0,i], Data[1,j]))


output.extend([GPS[1,i], GPS[0,i], Data[1,j]])


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