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[英]How to check if any item in one dictionary is present in another dictionary without iteration?



a = {"a":2, "b":4, "c":4, "d":4}
b = {"a":1, "e":1, "f":5}
print(any(a.items() & b.items()))

将产生输出: False


a = {"a":2, "b":4, "c":4, "d":4}
b = {"a":1, "b":4, "f":5}
print(any(a.items() & b.items()))

将产生输出: True



[item for item in dict1.items() if item in dict2.items()]

您可以使用set检查第二个dict是否至少有第一个dict的键和/或值之一。 您可以执行以下操作:

a = {1:"a", 2:"b", 3:"c"}
b = {"foo":"hello", "bar":"hi", 2:"hoo"}
c = {"hello":"hoo", 1:"hii"}

def keys_exists(first:"dict", second:"dict") -> bool:
    # Or:
    # return not (set(first) - set(second)) == first.keys()
    return bool(set(first) & set(second))

def values_exists(first:"dict", second:"dict") -> bool:
    return bool(set(first.values()) & set(second.values()))

print("At least one of a keys exists in b keys: {0}".format(keys_exists(a,b)))
print("At least one of a keys exists in c keys: {0}".format(keys_exists(a,c)))
print("At least one of b keys exists in c keys: {0}".format(keys_exists(b,c)))

print("At least one of a values exists in b values: {0}".format(values_exists(a,b)))
print("At least one of a values exists in c values: {0}".format(values_exists(a,c)))
print("At least one of b values exists in c values: {0}".format(values_exists(b,c)))


At least one of a keys exists in b keys: True
At least one of a keys exists in c keys: True
At least one of b keys exists in c keys: False

At least one of a values exists in b values: False
At least one of a values exists in c values: False
At least one of b values exists in c values: True


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