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[英]Setting and using a variable (JavaScript)

我正在使用FileReader API加载文本文件。 在此过程中,我将内容放置在<pre>标记文件中: fileDisplayArea.innerText = reader.result; 稍后,我想在视频播放期间触发的afterPlayback函数中使用此内容。 video.ontimeupdate = function () { duringPlayback() };

我不想一遍又一遍地将加载文件的内容放入video.ontimeupdate函数中,所以我想我只是将reader.result(或fileDisplayArea.innerText)内容加载到全局变量,以后我可以在video.ontimeupdate函数中的内容上执行所需的操作。 但是我似乎无法设置变量,以便可以在video.ontimeupdate函数中使用它。 我在严格模式下运行,但我对此进行了评论,但仍然无法正常工作。

如何在video.ontimeupdate函数中可以使用的变量中设置reader.result内容? 我很沮丧 (如果可能,我想以严格模式运行。)


 // Assign an ontimeupdate event to the video element, and execute a function if the current playback position has changed
video.ontimeupdate = function () { duringPlayback() };

function duringPlayback() {
    document.getElementById("speed").innerHTML = (Math.round(video.playbackRate * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);

    // I need to use the var hostFile (reader.result) contents here. ###########


 // Load Tab Delimted File
var fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');
fileInput.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
    var file = fileInput.files[0];
    var textType = /text.*/;
    if (file.type.match(textType)) {
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function (e) {
            // Entire file
            fileDisplayArea.innerText = reader.result;
            var hostFile = reader.result; //###########
        //doIt(); //Normally doIt would be called from another function
    } else {
        fileDisplayArea.innerText = "File not supported!"


所以就那样做。 在所有内容之外声明变量:

var hostFile;
video.ontimeupdate = function () { duringPlayback() };

function duringPlayback() {
  document.getElementById("speed").innerHTML = (Math.round(video.playbackRate * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);

  // I need to use the var hostFile (reader.result) contents here.


var fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');
fileInput.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
  var file = fileInput.files[0];
  var textType = /text.*/;
  if (file.type.match(textType)) {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function (e) {
        // Entire file
        fileDisplayArea.innerText = reader.result;
        hostFile = reader.result; //###########
    //doIt(); //Normally doIt would be called from another function
  } else {
    fileDisplayArea.innerText = "File not supported!"


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