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[英]C# How do I use dictionaries and lists with user input?

我正在建立一个已经创建的项目。 这是我第一次使用字典/列表。 这是一个非常广泛的问题,因为我所著的书根本没有涵盖使用字典的问题,而且我很难找到具有在线用户输入的字典示例。 我编写了一个使用多维数组的程序,该程序向用户询问许多学生和许多考试,然后让用户输入每次考试的分数,并根据他们的考试分数输出每个学生的平均成绩。 我现在想实现同样的事情,只使用字典和列表而不是数组。 我什至不知道从哪里开始。 谁能解释这将如何工作? 这是我已经创建的代码,尽管它可能根本没有用:

class MainClass
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        int TotalStudents = 0;
        int TotalGrades = 0;

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of students: ");
        TotalStudents = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of exams: ");
        TotalGrades = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

        int[,] scoresArray = new int[TotalStudents, TotalGrades];

        for (int r = 0; r < TotalStudents; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < TotalGrades; c++)
            Console.Write("Please enter exam score {0} for student {1}: ", c + 1, r + 1);
                scoresArray[r, c] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        for (int r = 0; r < scoresArray.GetLength(0); r++)
            int studentSum = 0;
            int testCount = 0;
            for (int c = 0; c < scoresArray.GetLength(1); c++)
                studentSum += scoresArray[r, c];
            string gradeLetter = "";
            double average = studentSum / testCount;
            Console.WriteLine("\nStudent " + (r + 1).ToString() + " Average Score: " + average.ToString());

            if (average >= 90)
                gradeLetter = "A";
            else if (average >= 80 && average < 90)
                gradeLetter = "B";
            else if (average >= 70 && average < 80)
                gradeLetter = "C";
            else if (average >= 60 && average < 70)
                gradeLetter = "D";
                gradeLetter = "F";

            Console.WriteLine("Student " + (r + 1).ToString() + " will recieve a(n) " + gradeLetter + " in the class.\n");
        Console.Write("\nPress the [ENTER] key to exit.");

字典是一个很棒的工具! 我尝试使用您的原始逻辑,但有时,我不得不另辟way径。 此外,我一直迷失于“ c”和“ r”索引变量。 我希望索引使用更长的名称。 希望这可以帮助。

//Let's create a gradeTranslator dictionary.
// As the grades follow the simple divisions along averages divisible by 10,
// we can just use the first digit of the average to determine the grade.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool useSampleData = true;
            Dictionary<string, List<double>> gradeBook = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
            Dictionary<int, string> gradeTranslator = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                gradeTranslator.Add(i, "F");
            gradeTranslator.Add(6, "D");
            gradeTranslator.Add(7, "C");
            gradeTranslator.Add(8, "B");
            gradeTranslator.Add(9, "A");
            gradeTranslator.Add(10, "A");

            int TotalStudents, TotalGrades;

            // For testing purposes, it is a lot easier to start with some
            // sample data. So, I created a query to see if the user wants 
            // to use sample data or to provide her own input.
            Console.WriteLine("Do you want to input the data (I) or allow me to use sample data (S)?");
            var inputMethod = Console.ReadLine();

            if(inputMethod.ToUpper().IndexOf("I") >=0) {
                useSampleData = false; 

            // User Sample Data   
            if (useSampleData) {  // test without using the console input
                gradeBook.Add("Bob", new List<double>() { 67.8, 26.3, 33.2, 33.1, 67.2 });
                gradeBook.Add("Dick", new List<double>() { 88.2, 45.2, 100.0, 89.2, 91.5 });
                gradeBook.Add("Jane", new List<double>() { 99.2, 99.5, 93.9, 98.2, 15.0 });
                gradeBook.Add("Samantha", new List<double>() { 62, 89.5, 93.9, 98.2, 95.0 });
                gradeBook.Add("Estefania", new List<double>() { 95.2, 92.5, 92.9, 98.2, 89 });

                TotalStudents = gradeBook.Count();
                TotalGrades = gradeBook["Bob"].Count();

                TotalStudents = 5;

            // user will provide their own data.
            } else { 

                Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of students: ");
                TotalStudents = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of exams: ");
                TotalGrades = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                for (int studentId = 0; studentId < TotalStudents; studentId++) {
                    Console.Write("Please enter name of student {0}: ", studentId);
                    var name = Console.ReadLine();
                    gradeBook.Add(name, new List<double>());
                    for (int testId = 0; testId < TotalGrades; testId++) {
                        Console.Write("Please enter exam score {0} for " + 
                        "student {1}: ", testId + 1, name);


            // Here we will divide the grade by 10 as an integer division to
            // get just the first digit of the average and then translate
            // to a letter grade.
            foreach (var student in gradeBook) {
                Console.WriteLine("Student " + student.Key + 
             " scored an average of " + student.Value.Average() + ". " + 
              student.Key + " will recieve a(n) " + 
              gradeTranslator[(int)(student.Value.Average() / 10)] + 
                              " in the class.\n");

            Console.Write("\nPress the [ENTER] key to exit.");


public class Student
  public string ID
  public List<double> TestScores {get;set;}
  // in this case average only has a getter which calculates the average when needed.
  public double Average 
       if(TestScores != null && TestScores.Count >0)
           double ave = 0;
           foreach(var x in TestScores)//basic average formula.
              ave += x;
           // using linq this could be reduced to "return TestScores.Average()"
           return ave/TestScores.Count;
         return 0; // can't divide by zero.

  public Student(string id)
   ID = id;
   TestScores = new List<double>();


现在,您的词典集合可以保留信息。 为了让您入门,这里有几种访问数据的方法。 绝对不是全部。


Dictionary<string,Student> dict = new Dictionary<string,Student>();
Student stud = new Student("Jerry");


string aveScore = dict["Jerry"].Average.ToString("#.00");


foreach(var s in dict.Keys)


C#中的Dictionary是键-值对的集合。 Key必须是唯一的,而Value不必是唯一的。 因此,如果您按以下方式定义字典:

Dictionary<int, int> dict = new Dictionary<int, int>();

这意味着您已经创建了一个对集合,其中Key的类型为intValue的类型也为int 因此,如果您在字典中添加几个项目,其内容将如下所示:


index = 0 ,您有一个Key=1Value=100 index = 1 ,您有一个Key=2Value=200

但是,字典的Value不一定必须是单个值。 它也可以是一个Collection (或一个类对象,甚至另一个字典)。

由于您的要求是列出每位学生的分数,并且词典Value允许Collection ,因此使用词典确实是个好主意。 但是,我们应该使用哪种字典?


一种方法是使用Dictionary<string, List<int>> 代表学生姓名(或ID)的string ,以及代表考试成绩的List<int> 所以;

Dictionary<string, List<int>> dict = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();

现在,您可以使用每个学生的分数填充该词典。 例如:

dict.Add("Arthur Dent", new List<int>() { 75, 54, 26 });
dict.Add("Zaphod Beeblebrox", new List<int>() { 12, 13, 7 });
dict.Add("Ford Prefect", new List<int>() { 99, 89, 69 });


但是,就像我说的那样,您也可以将类对象用作字典Value ,实际上,这是解决问题的更好方法。 Felix的答案显示了如何执行此操作,因此我将不赘述。 但实际上,您要按照以下步骤创建字典,假设您的班级是Student

Dictionary<string, Student> dict = new Dictionary<string, Student>();

然后根据用户输入创建Student实例,并将其添加到字典中。 使用Student类的另一个好处是,您可以将一个学生的所有相关信息放在一个地方,并且还可以使用其他辅助方法,例如Felix示例中的Average()方法,因此您的代码将更加简洁明了。


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