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LINUX IPC:使用PIPE将不同的值传递给CHILD进程,除了第一次,在C中不起作用

[英]LINUX IPC: Passing different values to CHILD process using PIPE not working, except for first time, in C


  1. 对于每个group ,我需要生成一个子进程( 每个进程都充当服务器-意味着它们从其他进程获取消息并在处理后返回结果 )。

  2. 每个孩子都有权为其与其关联的GROUP专门服务。 因此,我想在生成后立即将唯一的groupId传递给每个子进程,以便它仅执行与其groupId相关联的任务。

  3. 在CHILD产生时,PARENT仅向CHILD写入了groupId ,也只有一次。 CHILD不应该将任何内容写回PARENT。 (单向通信- PARENT - write/CHILD -read

经过一些研究,我编写了如下的伪代码。 (这是一个可编译的代码)。


int process(int n);

#define NGROUPID 5
#define INIT_GROUPID 1000

int parent_to_child[2];
int main()
    pid_t pid;
    pid_t pid_array[NGROUPID];  //Child pid array.
    int groupId[NGROUPID];
    int groupID = 0,i;

    srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));  //random seed
    groupId[0] = INIT_GROUPID;

    printf("[0.1] ");
    //set groupIds 
    for(i=1; i < (NGROUPID - 1); i++)
        int j = i -1;
        groupId[i]= groupId[j] + 2;


    fflush(stdout); //Flushing stdout before pipe call

    // For each groupId, spawn child process 
    for (i = 0; i < (NGROUPID - 1); i++ )

        pid = fork();
        if(pid < 0)
            perror("fork failed\n");
        if(pid == 0)
            process(i); //Child Process.
            break;  //Is it necessory to break? Will it create Children of children?
        if(pid > 0)
            close(parent_to_child[0]); //parent is not reading from child
            printf("[1.1] writing to child: %d parent %d i %d groupId %d\n",pid,getpid(),i,groupId[i]);
            write(parent_to_child[1], &groupId[i], sizeof(int)); //Passing groupId to Child.
            pid_array[i] = pid;  //To shutdown cleanly.
    if(pid > 0)

        for (i = 0; i < (NGROUPID - 1); i++ )
            printf("[1.2] waiting for pid: %d\n",pid_array[i]);
            waitpid(pid_array[i], NULL, 0);
            printf("[1.3] Finished pid: %d\n",pid_array[i]);


    printf("[0.2] Did we Finished total %d PID %d\n", NGROUPID, getpid());
    if(pid > 0)
        printf("[1.4] There are no zombies\n");

    return 0;


//This is a pseudo code. Actual code will consists of receiving messages
// from other processes (using message queue) and return the results after processing.
// This act like a SERVER process, which will not quit in usual scenario. 
int process(int n)
    int groupID = 0;
    close(parent_to_child[1]); //we are not going to return to Parent.
    read(parent_to_child[0], &groupID, sizeof(int)); //Read from Parent
    unsigned int sec = (rand() % 10) + 1;
    printf("[2.1] Processing %d th Process pid: %d groupId %d sleep %d sec\n",n, getpid(), groupID, sec);
    printf("[2.2] Returning from sleep %d Process pid: %d groupId %d sleep %d sec\n",n, getpid(), groupID, sec);


    [0.1] 0~1000    1~1002  2~1004  3~1006
    [1.1] writing to child: 15068 parent 15067 i 0 groupId 1000
    [2.1] Processing 0 th Process pid: 15068 groupId 1000 sleep 3 sec
    [1.1] writing to child: 15069 parent 15067 i 1 groupId 1002
    [2.1] Processing 1 th Process pid: 15069 groupId 0 sleep 3 sec
    [1.1] writing to child: 15070 parent 15067 i 2 groupId 1004
    [2.1] Processing 2 th Process pid: 15070 groupId 0 sleep 3 sec
    [1.1] writing to child: 15071 parent 15067 i 3 groupId 1006
    [1.2] waiting for pid: 15068
    [2.1] Processing 3 th Process pid: 15071 groupId 0 sleep 3 sec

    // This Gap is not a part of output. It indicates the sleep worked from here.

    [2.2] Returning from sleep 0 Process pid: 15068 groupId 1000 sleep 3 sec
    [0.2] Did we Finished total 5 PID 15068
    [2.2] Returning from sleep 1 Process pid: 15069 groupId 0 sleep 3 sec
    [0.2] Did we Finished total 5 PID 15069
    [1.3] Finished pid: 15068
    [1.2] waiting for pid: 15069
    [1.3] Finished pid: 15069
    [1.2] waiting for pid: 15070
    [2.2] Returning from sleep 2 Process pid: 15070 groupId 0 sleep 3 sec
    [0.2] Did we Finished total 5 PID 15070
    [1.3] Finished pid: 15070
    [1.2] waiting for pid: 15071
    [2.2] Returning from sleep 3 Process pid: 15071 groupId 0 sleep 3 sec
    [0.2] Did we Finished total 5 PID 15071


    [0.*] - Indicate that Print from General part of code (neither parent or child)
    [1.*] - Indicate that Print from PARENT process. (pid > 0)
    [2.*] - Indicate that Print from CHILD process.  (pid == 0)


1.随机数我依靠随机数来为儿童产生不均匀的睡眠时间,这模仿了实际情况。 即使我在main函数中放置了srand(time(NULL))函数,但process() function中的rand()始终生成相同的输出(在上面的输出中为3 seconds )。 是因为CPU太快了吗? 如果是,是否有更好的种子可用?

除非第一次,从CHILD进程读取的groupId始终为零。 如下面的输出所示。

[2.1] Processing 2 th Process pid: 15070 groupId 0 sleep 3 sec

您可以清楚地看到,在由父代进行writegroupId被正确拾取。 (如下所示):

[1.1] writing to child: 15070 parent 15067 i 2 groupId 1004

我如何改进此代码以实现结果。 还是这种逻辑有任何缺陷(我问这个问题是因为我是IPC的初学者,没有太多的经验)。 我是否需要为groupId数组实现一个critical section


随机数。 您在分叉之前先叫srand ,所以所有子代都继承相同的种子,因此他们对rand的调用将产生相同的数字。 您可以在循环内增加种子,并使每个子代自己调用srand

通讯。 parent_to_child[0]在生成第一个孩子后关闭parent_to_child[0] ,因此以后的孩子将继承封闭的管道,并且无法通过它接收groupID信息。 仅当所有分叉完成时,父级才应关闭该管道。


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