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如何调用Codeigniters 2 Active Record从同一查询中获取2组结果?

[英]How do I call Codeigniters 2 Active record to get 2 sets of results from the same query?

我本质上是在为文件导出创建分块功能,并且我已经在其中建立了select-> from->。 我希望每次可以使用不同的限制/偏移值两次调用“ get”。


// BallReport.php
function ProcessData(){
    //Report 1
    $query = createSelectQuery();
    $query = applyReportOneWhereValues($query);
    $results1 = CSVTool::processLargeDataSet($query, 10, 1000);

    //Report 2
    $query = createSelectQuery();
    $query = applyReportTwoWhereValues($query);
    $results2 = CSVTool::processLargeDataSet($query, 10, 1000);

function createSelectQuery(){
    // the select is complicated having multiple joins and sub queries 
    // so I only want to have to write this once
    $query = $this->db->select('ball.name,
        ->join('color', 'ball.color_id = color.id')
        ->join('size', 'ball.size_id = size.id')
        ->join('shape', 'ball.shape_id = shape.id');
    return $query;

function applyReportOneWhereValues($query){
    // I have 2 different sets of where parameters
    // But they are both using the same select
    // so I separated them into these functions
    // So I can apply the set of where statements
    // all at once
    $query = $query->where("table.color", "blue")
                   ->where("table.size" , "large")
                   ->where("table.shape", "round");
    return $query;

function applyReportTwoWhereValues($query){
    $query = $query->where("table.color", "red")
                   ->where("table.size" , "small")
                   ->where("table.shape", "round");
    return $query;

//In CSVTool.php 
public static function processLargeDataSet($query, $numberOfPages, $chunkSize){
    // Since the data set is going to be so large we want to process in chunks 
    // So that we don't hit the limit and break mid way. 
    // To do that we only call the DB in sets of 1000 rows
    for(int $i = 0; $i <= $numberOfPages: $i++){
        processRows($query, $i * $chunkSize, $chunkSize);

function processRows($query, $offset, $limit){
    // We limit in here so each time it's called we change the offset and limit
    $query = $query->offset($offset)->limit($limit);
    $valuesToProcess = $query->get()->result_array();

    // process the rows here

这当然是行不通的,因为一旦processRows第一次调用$ query-> get(),所有后续调用都将引发Query error: No tables used

有什么解决办法吗? 我没有意识到Codeigniter 2中的分块功能吗?

我认为您正在寻找的是“活动记录缓存”。 可以从几个不同的地方进行管理。 在这个答案中,它在ProcessData()

注意:您正在为相同的var $query分配很多东西,并且在没有充分理由的情况下将其大量传递。 而且,您经常连续多次用完全相同的值覆盖$query 我在您使用$query大多数地方都使用过$this->db

public function ProcessData()
    //Report 1
    //createSelectQuery(); not needed if you want all fields from one table
    processLargeDataSet(10, 1000);

    //Report 2
    //createSelectQuery(); not needed if you want all fields from one table
    processLargeDataSet(10, 1000);

您的问题使用select("*")from("table_name") ,如果您确实希望从一个表中获取所有字段,可以将其删除。 当使用get("table_name")且没有select()调用时,则假定所有字段。 IOW,查询语句为SELECT * FROM 'table_name';



public function applyReportOneWhereValues()
      ->where("table.color", "blue")
      ->where("table.size", "large")
      ->where("table.shape", "round");

public function applyReportTwoWhereValues()
      ->where("table.color", "red")
      ->where("table.size", "small")
      ->where("table.shape", "round");

我消除了processRows()并将该逻辑合并到processLargeDataSet() 注意get()的用法-传递表名,限制和偏移量-消除了对select()from()limit()offset()调用的需要。

 * Process the records in chunks
 * @param int $numberOfPages The number of pages to create in the set (1 to n)
 * @param int $pageSize The number of records per page
function processLargeDataSet($numberOfPages, $pageSize)
    if($numberOfPages < 1)
        $numberOfPages = 1;
    for($i = 1; $i < $numberOfPages; $i++)
        $valuesToProcess = $this->db
          ->get('table', $pageSize, ($i-1) * $pageSize)
        // process the rows in $valuesToProcess


public function ProcessData()
    //Report 1
    $query_builder = $this->applyReportOneWhereValues($this->createSelectQuery());
    $results1 = CSVTool::processLargeDataSet($query_builder, 10, 1000);

    //Report 2
    $query_builder = $this->applyReportTwoWhereValues($this->createSelectQuery());
    $results2 = CSVTool::processLargeDataSet($query_builder, 10, 1000);
    $this->db->flush_cache(); //just to be safe

public function createSelectQuery()
    return $this->db->select('ball.name, color.name, size.name, shape.name')
        ->join('color', 'ball.color_id = color.id')
        ->join('size', 'ball.size_id = size.id')
        ->join('shape', 'ball.shape_id = shape.id');

public function applyReportOneWhereValues($query_builder)
    return $query_builder
      ->where("table.color", "blue")
      ->where("table.size", "large")
      ->where("table.shape", "round");

public function applyReportTwoWhereValues($query_builder)
    return $query_builder
      ->where("table.color", "red")
      ->where("table.size", "small")
      ->where("table.shape", "round");


 * Process the records in chunks
 * @param CI_DB_query_builder $qb An instance of the CI_DB_query_builder class
 * @param int $numberOfPages The number of pages to create in the set (1 to n)
 * @param int $pageSize The number of records per page
public static function processLargeDataSet($qb, $numberOfPages, $pageSize)
    if($numberOfPages < 1)
        $numberOfPages = 1;
    for($i = 1; $i < $numberOfPages; $i++)
        $valuesToProcess = $qb
          ->get('ball', $pageSize, $i - 1 * $pageSize)
        // process the rows in $valuesToProcess


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