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您如何查看公式计算器的 raw_input 中是否有数字

[英]How do you look and see if there is a number in a raw_input for an equation calculator

我正在尝试制作一个方程计算器 我正在尝试为方程设置一个检查器,以查看 x 或 y 之前是否有一个数字,以便它可以乘以它。 我将如何检查 raw_input 中是否有任何数字?

def x_pluse_y(total):
    x = raw_input('what is your x? ' )
    y = raw_input('what is your y? ' )
    if x == 'x':
        x = 0
    if y == 'y':
        y = 0
    float(x) + float(y) == float(total)
    step1 = float(total) - float(y)
    x = step1
    step2 = int(total) - int(x)
    y = step2
    print 'Your x is ' + str(x)
    print 'Your y is ' + str(y) 

def x_minus_y(total):
    x = raw_input('what is your x? ' )
    y = raw_input('what is your y? ' )
    if x == 'x':
        x = float(0)
    if y == 'y':
        y = float(0)
    if x > 0:
        x == x 
    elif y > 0:
        y == y
    if float(x) > 0:
        y = float(total) - float(x)
    if float(y) > 0 :
        x = float(total) - float(y)
    print 'Your x is ' + str(x)
    print 'Your y is ' + str(y) 

def multi_x(equation):
    x = raw_input('what is your x? ' )
    y = raw_input('what is your y? ' )
    if x == 'x':
        x = float(0)
    if y == 'y':
        y = float(0)
    if x > 0:
        x == x 
    elif y > 0:
        y == y
    if float(x) > 0:
        y = float(equation) - float(x)
    if float(y) > 0 :
        x = float(equation) - float(y)
    print 'Your x is ' + str(x)
    print 'Your y is ' + str(y)


def CheckStrIfVar(var):
        #If it is not a number this will raise an error, hence why I'm using exceptions
        test = int(var)
        return True

        #Will run if it cannot convert it to a var
        return False


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