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[英]Sort an array of object by a property (with custom order, not alphabetically)


我想根据代码而不是按字母顺序来排序这个数组。 我用粗体指定了这个,但最终还是被标记了,人们甚至不关心阅读这个问题

例如,我想要所有绿色对象,然后是所有蓝色对象,然后是所有红色对象。 最好的方法是什么?

    { code: "RED", value: 0},
    { code: "BLUE", value: 0},
    { code: "RED", value: 0},
    { code: "GREEN", value: 0},
    { code: "BLUE", value: 0},
    { code: "RED", value: 0},
    { code: "GREEN", value: 0},
    { code: "BLUE", value: 0}

是否可以使用排序功能来做到这一点? 在那种情况下会是什么条件?


 var array = [{ code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }, { code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "GREEN", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }, { code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "GREEN", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }], order = { GREEN: 1, BLUE: 2, RED: 3 }; array.sort(function (a, b) { return order[a.code] - order[b.code]; }); console.log(array);
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


  • 0 ,用于排序到顶部或
  • Infinity大或正如某些人所建议的那样,因为能够计算Number.MAX_VALUE以排序到最后,
  • 或用于在其他组之间进行排序的任何其他值。

最后,您可以使用其他排序部分对特殊处理的项目进行排序,并用逻辑 OR ||链接。 .

 var array = [{ code: "YELLOW", value: 0 }, { code: "BLACK", value: 0 }, { code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }, { code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "GREEN", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }, { code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "GREEN", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }], order = { GREEN: 1, BLUE: 2, RED: 3, default: Infinity }; array.sort(function (a, b) { return (order[a.code] || order.default) - (order[b.code] || order.default) || a.code.localeCompare(b.code); }); console.log(array);
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


var codePriority = [ "GREEN", "BLUE", "RED" ];


arr.sort( function(a,b){ 
   if ( a.code == b.code ) return a.value - b.value;
   return codePriority.indexOf( a.code ) - codePriority.indexOf( b.code ) ; notice this line


 var arr = [ { code: "RED", value: 0}, { code: "BLUE", value: 0}, { code: "RED", value: 0}, { code: "GREEN", value: 0}, { code: "BLUE", value: 0}, { code: "RED", value: 0}, { code: "GREEN", value: 0}, { code: "BLUE", value: 0} ]; var codePriority = [ "GREEN", "BLUE", "RED" ]; arr.sort( function(a,b){ if ( a.code == b.code ) return a.value - b.value; return codePriority.indexOf( a.code ) - codePriority.indexOf( b.code ) }); console.log( arr );


 const a = ['GREEN', 'BLUE', 'RED']; const o = [{code:"RED",value:0},{code:"BLUE",value:0},{code:"RED",value:0},{code:"GREEN",value:0},{code:"BLUE",value:0},{code:"RED",value:0},{code:"GREEN",value:0},{code:"BLUE",value:0}]; const r = o.slice().sort(({ code: q }, { code: w }) => a.indexOf(q) - a.indexOf(w)); console.log(r);


 const colors = [{ name: "T-shirt", color: "red", price: 20 }, { name: "Shoes", color: "yellow", price: 20 }, { name: "Pants", color: "red", price: 20 }, { name: "Cap", color: "yellow", price: 20 }, { name: "Skirt", color: "red", price: 15 }, ] let sortByColor = color => colors.sort((a, b) => a.color === color ? -1 : 1) console.log(sortByColor('red'))

您可以使用排序函数即 Array.prototype.sort() 访问https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort

首先,您必须决定是要按升序还是降序排序。 要按升序排序,您可以执行以下操作:

arr.sort((a, b) => {
    return a.color < b.color ? -1 : a.color > b.color ? 1 : 0;


arr.sort((a, b) => {
    return a.color > b.color ? -1 : a.color < b.color ? 1 : 0;

现在假设您希望首先对某种颜色进行排序和显示。 你可以有这样的功能:

const sortByKeyAsc = (arr,color) =>
  arr.sort((a, b) => {
    if(a.color < b.color || (a.color === color && b.color !== color)){
      return -1;
    if(a.color > b.color || (a.color !== color && b.color === color)){
      return 1
    return 0;


const array1 = sortByKeyAsc(arr,'pink');

我正在处理一个必须匹配字符串状态并专门按各种状态排序的情况。 .findIndex.includes最终成为最好的方法。

statusPriority 设置预期的顺序。 一旦找到索引,就可以将它们进行比较并返回给 .sort

 let records = [ {status: 'Record is ready to submit.', active: true, name: 'A'}, {status: 'Record has been sent.', active: true, name: 'B'}, {status: 'Activation is required.', active: true, name: 'C'}, {status: 'Record submission failed.', active: true, name: 'D'}, {status: 'Creation is pending.', active: true, name: 'E'}, ] console.log(records.map(r => r.status)) let statusPriority = ['creation', 'activation', 'sent', 'ready', 'failed']; records.sort((a, b) => { let aIndex = statusPriority.findIndex(status => a.status.toLowerCase().includes(status)); let bIndex = statusPriority.findIndex(status => b.status.toLowerCase().includes(status)); return aIndex - bIndex; }) console.log(records.map(r => r.status))


  var sortedArr = arr.sort((first, second)=>{
        return first.color < second.color ? -1 : 1


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