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Python / SQL-WHERE子句不适用于所有行

[英]Python/SQL - WHERE clause not applying to all Rows

我在构建的Python程序中的以下代码有问题。 该程序从数据库中提取数据,然后根据它们输入的参考编号'GrantRefNumber'的列表将其放入Excel电子表格中。

它可以工作,但是由于某些原因,仅FIRST参考编号应用了'a.reporting_period_id like 'none-' ,其余部分则没有。




"SELECT a.fa_reference as [GrantRefNumber], 
a.fa_name as [Award Title], 
a.location as [RO], 
ISNULL(cat.grant_department_name, '') as [Department], 
a.funding_start_date as [Start Date], 
a.funding_end_date as [End Date], 
a.[pi]    as [PI ID],
a.pi_initials  as [PI Name], 
a.pi_surname as [PI Surname],  
r1_2 as [Type], 

DATEADD(s, cast(last_submitted_date as int), '1970-01-01 00:00:00') as [Submitted Date]  

from keywordagreements a inner join entries_publications p on a.id =  
p.agreement_id left outer join mrc_categories cat  on a.origid = cat.id and cat.centre not in ('2') 

where a.[pi] NOT LIKE 'S%' and response_code not like 'Test' and Closed is null  
and a.reporting_period_id like 'none-'
and a.funding_organisation not like '%UKSA%' and {}' 

Order by [RO], [PI ID], [GrantRefNumber]".format(finalList)



items = dfCall['GrantRefNumber'].values.tolist()
refList = " OR ".join(["a.fa_reference LIKE '%s'" % num for num in items])
finalList = refList[:-1]



stringQ = "SELECT a.fa_reference as [GrantRefNumber], a.fa_name as [Award Title]," \
          " a.location  as [RO], ISNULL(cat.grant_department_name, '') as [Department]," \
          " a.funding_start_date as [Start Date], a.funding_end_date        as [End Date]," \
          " a.[pi]  as [PI ID], a.pi_initials   as [PI Name]," \
          " a.pi_surname as [PI Surname], " \
          " r1_2 as [Type], ISNULL(r1_2_1, '')  as [PubMed ID]," \
          " r1_2_2  as [Author], r1_2_3 as [Publication], ISNULL(r1_2_4, '') as [Journal]," \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_8, '') as [Month], ISNULL(r1_2_9, '') as [Year], ISNULL(r1_2_4_1, '') as [Conference]," \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_36, '') as [PubMed Central ID], ISNULL (r1_2_19, '') as [DOI]," \
          " case when nullif(r1_2_1,'') is not null then 'http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/' + r1_2_1 else case when" \
          " nullif(r1_4,'') is not null then r1_4 else case when nullif(r1_2_19,'') is not null then" \
          " 'http://dx.doi.org/' + r1_2_19 else isnull(r1_2_1,'') end  end end as [URL], ISNULL(r1_2_21, '') " \
          "as [ISBN]," \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_30, '') as [ISBN (Electronic)], " \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_25, '') as [Chapter Number], " \
          "ISNULL(r1_2_26, '')" \
          " as [Chapter Title], ISNULL(r1_2_27, '') as [Chapter Author]," \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_29, '') as [ISSN (Print)], ISNULL(r1_2_32, '')  as [ISSN (Digital)], " \
          "ISNULL(r1_2_31, '')  as [Web of Science ID], ISNULL(r1_2_34, '') as [Scopus ID], " \
          "ISNULL(r1_2_35, '')  as [arXiv DepositID]," \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_38, '') as [Bibcode], ISNULL(r1_2_39, '') as [Ethos], ISNULL(r1_2_43, '')   as [NASA-ADS ID]," \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_46, '') as [Inspire], ISNULL(r1_2_40, '') as [PMC Manuscript ID], ISNULL(r1_2_45, '')" \
          " as [ORCID Work Putcode]," \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_61, '') as [OpenAire Access License], ISNULL(r1_2_52, '') " \
          "as [In EPMC?], ISNULL(r1_2_53, '') as [In PMC?]," \
          " ISNULL(r1_2_51, '') as [EPMC Open Access], " \
          " DATEADD(s, cast(last_submitted_date as int), '1970-01-01 00:00:00') as [Submitted Date] " \
          "from keywordagreements a inner join entries_publications p on a.id = " \
          "p.agreement_id left outer join mrc_categories cat " \
          "on a.origid = cat.id and cat.centre not in ('2') where a.[pi] NOT LIKE 'S%' and " \
          "response_code not like 'Test' and Closed is null " \
          "and a.reporting_period_id like 'none-' " \
          "and a.funding_organisation not like '%UKSA%' and {}' " \
          "Order by [RO], [PI ID], [GrantRefNumber]".format(finalList)

我看不到您的format命令替代的位置。 以下是format命令的一些示例:

'This is a {} string.'.format('formatted')
'This is a {0} {1}.'.format('formatted', 'string')
'This is a {replace_me} {replace_me_2}.'.format(replace_me='formatted', replace_me_2='string')

输出This is a formatted string.

您需要修改SQL才能将finalList插入SQL。 由于看不到您的完整代码,因此看起来您可能想要使用三引号格式来支持多行:

sql = """
    SELECT * FROM table
    WHERE blah = '{string_to_compare}'

请非常小心,在任何SQL查询中使用字符串替换时,您都可以使用SQL注入。 祝好运!

好的,我想我已经解决了。 我将{}'放在方括号中,即({}') ,因为OR命令将其他参考数字视为单独的语句。


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