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如何从 CSV(在 Python 中)的字符串中删除特定单词?

[英]How to remove specific word from a string in CSV(in Python)?

如果字符串以“a”或“the”开头,我想重写一个 CSV 行。 为此,我们可以使用string.startswith()


if string.startswith('A' or 'The')
  remove 'a' and 'the'; keep the rest of the string; rewrite the row

假设 CSV 是:

ID    Book                Author
1.    A Study in Scarlet  Conan Doyle
2.    Aboltabol           Sukumar Roy
3.    The Bible           Matthew


    ID    Book                Author
    1.    Study in Scarlet    Conan Doyle
    2.    Aboltabol           Sukumar Roy
    3.    Bible               Matthew

我们如何在 Python 中做到这一点?


import re

pattern = re.compile("^(A|The)\s+(.+)", flags=re.IGNORECASE)

def process(word):
    w = pattern.match(word)
    return w.group(2) if w else word

process('A Study in Scarlet')  # 'Study in Scarlet'
process('Aboltabol')  # 'Aboltabol'
process('The Bible')  # 'Bible'

虽然如果你需要性能, startswith + split会更快。


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