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[英]Formatting Raw String Python



Season: Winter 2017-18
Activity: Basketball - Boys JV
*DATE: 02/13/2018 * - ( previously 02/06/2018 )
Event type: Game
Home/Host: Clear Lake
Opponent: Webster City
*START TIME: 6:15PM CST* - ( previously 4:30PM CST )
Location: Clear Lake High School, 125 N. 20th Street, Clear Lake, IA

刮取每个标签(标签为DATE: DATE: 02/13/2018 * - ( previously 02/06/2018 )之后的数据的最佳方法是什么,例如DATE: 02/13/2018 * - ( previously 02/06/2018 )将被设置为等于变量,如Date ,因此,当print(date) ,将输出02/13/2018 * - ( previously 02/06/2018 )

我尝试了以下代码,但每行只打印一个字符。 谢谢!

for line in message:
     if "DATE:" in line:
          print line


import re
s = """
Season: Winter 2017-18
Activity: Basketball - Boys JV
*DATE: 02/13/2018 * - ( previously 02/06/2018 )
Event type: Game
Home/Host: Clear Lake
Opponent: Webster City
*START TIME: 6:15PM CST* - ( previously 4:30PM CST )
Location: Clear Lake High School, 125 N. 20th Street, Clear Lake, IA
final_dict = {(a[1:] if a.startswith('*') else a).strip('\r'):b.strip('\r') for a, b in filter(lambda x:len(x)> 1, [re.split('\:\s', i) for i in filter(None, s.split('\n'))])}


{'Home/Host': 'Clear Lake', 'Season': 'Winter 2017-18', 'START TIME': '6:15PM CST* - ( previously 4:30PM CST )', 'Location': 'Clear Lake High School, 125 N. 20th Street, Clear Lake, IA', 'Activity': 'Basketball - Boys JV', 'DATE': '02/13/2018 * - ( previously 02/06/2018 )', 'Event type': 'Game', 'Opponent': 'Webster City'}

您可以使用str.splitlines()将字符串分割成str.splitlines()行。 然后遍历各行并使用正则表达式提取数据,例如:

import re

for line in message.splitlines():
    match = re.match(r'\*DATE: (.*)', line)
    if match:
        date = match.group(1)
        print date

For line in message迭代For line in message每个项目:简单来说,消息是一个字符串,其项目是字符(因此,它迭代每个字符)。


使用message.split("\\n")在换行符上分割字符串并对其进行迭代。 然后,您可以使用line.strip().strip("*").split(":", maxsplit=1)将键与值分开。 第一个strip()删除可能剩​​余的多余空格(例如潜在的“ \\ r”),第二个strip()删除多余的星号。 maxsplit=1在第一个冒号处停止(如果您的数据将冒号作为标签的一部分,则可能会出现问题)。


output = dict()
for line in message.split("\n"): ## Split Lines
    key,value = line.strip().split(":",maxsplit=1) ## Remove extra whitespace/* and split at the first colon
    output[key] = value

编辑:我的印象是“日期”仅是您的示例,但是如果这就是您要查找的所有内容,那么显然if key == "DATE"并添加/返回/打印/等值就可以添加该行。


with open('datafile.txt', 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
         if line.startswith("*DATE:"):

此解决方案有效(并且我相信是相当“ Pythonic”的):

lines = message.split("\n") # Split your message into "lines"
sections = [line.split(": ") for line in lines] # Split lines by the "colon space"
message_dict = {section[0].lstrip(' '): section[1] for section in sections} # Dictionary comprehension to put your keys and values into a dict struct. Also removes leading whitespace from your keys.


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