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[英]Mongoose MissingSchemaError on a .populate even though the schema is included


我正在使用Typescript 2.6.2,Node 8.9.4和Mongoose 5.0.2。 我有两个模型。 一种是用于帐户,另一种是用于组织。 当我对Accounts模型运行带有填充的findOne时,我得到:'MissingSchemaError:模式尚未为模型“ Organization”注册。


import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';

export type OrganizationModel = mongoose.Document & {
   name: string,
   suborganizations: [OrganizationModel]

const OrganizationSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    name: {type String, required: true},
    suborganizations: [
        {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Organization'}

const Organization = mongoose.model<OrganizationModel>('Organization', OrganizationSchema);
export default Organization;


import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { default as Organization, OrganizationModel } from './Organization.model';

export type AccountModel = mongoose.Document & {
    username: string,
    organization: OrganizationModel

const Account = new mongoose.Schema({
    username: {type: String, required: true},
    organization: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Organization'}

const Account = mongoose.model<AccountModel>('Account', AccountSchema);
export default Account;


import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
// I've tried without and with the following import
import { default as Organization, OrganizationModel } from '../models/Organization.model';
import { default as Account, AccountModel } from '../models/Account.model';

const AccountManager = {
    getAccount: async ({ username }) => {
        // Here is the troubled line
        const account = await Account.findOne({ username }).populate('organization organization.suborganizations');
        return account;

export default AccountManager


尝试import './Organization.model';


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