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如何在 TypeScript 中使用动态对象属性

[英]How to use dynamic object properties in TypeScript

我正在使用 TypeScript,我需要处理动态对象属性。 我希望我能成为 TypeScript 的大师,但我不是。 我遇到的问题是,在我当前的项目中,我想让用户可以将他们自己的自定义界面输入到通用界面中。


export interface Filter {
  columnId: string;
  searchTerm: string;
export interface GridState {
  filters: Filter[];

// use it as an array of filters
const state: GridState = {
  filters: [{ columnId: 'firtName', searchTerm: 'John' }]

然而,从上面显示的内容来看,我想给用户使用他自己的界面的可能性。 因此,假设他想使用field而不是columnId ,而他将使用value代替searchTerm 所以他的自定义界面将是

export interface CustomFilter {
  field: string;
  value: string;


export interface FilterStruct {
  propNameColumnId: string;
  propNameSearchTerm: string;

但是我如何将这两个连接在一起? 如何将用户的CustomFilterFilterStruct 以下不起作用,我知道这是不正确的。

export interface GridState {
  filters: FilterStruct<CustomFilter>[];

最终目标是用户将能够使用他自己的界面和他自己的属性名称进行输入。 然后在我这边,我将使用提供的动态对象属性循环遍历数组。

您可以使GridState泛型并为泛型参数提供默认值。 FilterStruct也可以继承Array ,因此我们可以使用辅助函数向数组添加额外的属性:

export interface FilterStruct<T> extends Array<T> {
    // We make sure the property names are actually properties of T
    // We make these optional you should use default values if they are undefined 
    // We do this to keep initialization simple in the non customized scenario, you can make them mandatory, but then you can't initialize with a simple array
    propNameColumnId?: keyof T; 
    propNameSearchTerm?: keyof T;
export interface Filter {
    columnId: string;
    searchTerm: string;
export interface CustomFilter {
    field: string;
    value: string;
// T has a default value of Filter so we don't have to specify it, unless we want to customize
export interface GridState<T = Filter> {
    filters: FilterStruct<T>;
// Helper function to create an array with the extra properties
function createFilterStruct<T>(cfg: { propNameColumnId: keyof T; propNameSearchTerm: keyof T; }, items: T[]) {
    return Object.assign(items, cfg);

// Default we can use simple array initailization
const state: GridState = {
    filters: [{ columnId: 'firtName', searchTerm: 'John' }]

// Custom filter, create with createFilterStruct
const stateCustom: GridState<CustomFilter> = {
    filters: createFilterStruct({ propNameColumnId: 'value', propNameSearchTerm: 'field' }, [
        { value: 'firtName', field: 'John' }

function loopThrough<T>(grid: GridState<T>){
    // Provide defaults for propNameColumnId and propNameSearchTerm
    let propNameColumnId = grid.filters.propNameColumnId || 'columnId' as keyof T
    let propNameSearchTerm = grid.filters.propNameSearchTerm || 'searchTerm' as keyof T

    // Loop throught the array normally, it is just an array
    for(let filter of grid.filters){
        // Access the properties
        console.log(`${filter[propNameColumnId]} = ${filter[propNameSearchTerm]}`);



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