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How to use dynamic object properties in TypeScript

I'm working with TypeScript and I need to deal with dynamic object properties. I wish that I could be a master in TypeScript but I am not. The problem I have is that in my current project, I would like to give users the possibility to input their own custom interface to a Generic interface.

What I got working now is the following interface

export interface Filter {
  columnId: string;
  searchTerm: string;
export interface GridState {
  filters: Filter[];

// use it as an array of filters
const state: GridState = {
  filters: [{ columnId: 'firtName', searchTerm: 'John' }]

However from what is shown above, I would like to give the user the possibility to use his own interface. So let say that instead of columnId , he wants to use field and instead of searchTerm he would use value . So his custom interface would be

export interface CustomFilter {
  field: string;
  value: string;

What I would like to provide to the user is something like this, a custom structure template

export interface FilterStruct {
  propNameColumnId: string;
  propNameSearchTerm: string;

but how do I connect the 2 together? How do I use the user's CustomFilter with the FilterStruct . The following doesn't work and I know it's not correct.

export interface GridState {
  filters: FilterStruct<CustomFilter>[];

The end goal is that the user would be able to input with his own interface and his own property names. Then on my side, I would just loop through the array with the dynamic object property that was provided.

You can make GridState generic and provide a default value for the generic parameter. Also FilterStruct can inherit Array , so we can add extra properties to the array, using a helper function :

export interface FilterStruct<T> extends Array<T> {
    // We make sure the property names are actually properties of T
    // We make these optional you should use default values if they are undefined 
    // We do this to keep initialization simple in the non customized scenario, you can make them mandatory, but then you can't initialize with a simple array
    propNameColumnId?: keyof T; 
    propNameSearchTerm?: keyof T;
export interface Filter {
    columnId: string;
    searchTerm: string;
export interface CustomFilter {
    field: string;
    value: string;
// T has a default value of Filter so we don't have to specify it, unless we want to customize
export interface GridState<T = Filter> {
    filters: FilterStruct<T>;
// Helper function to create an array with the extra properties
function createFilterStruct<T>(cfg: { propNameColumnId: keyof T; propNameSearchTerm: keyof T; }, items: T[]) {
    return Object.assign(items, cfg);

// Default we can use simple array initailization
const state: GridState = {
    filters: [{ columnId: 'firtName', searchTerm: 'John' }]

// Custom filter, create with createFilterStruct
const stateCustom: GridState<CustomFilter> = {
    filters: createFilterStruct({ propNameColumnId: 'value', propNameSearchTerm: 'field' }, [
        { value: 'firtName', field: 'John' }

function loopThrough<T>(grid: GridState<T>){
    // Provide defaults for propNameColumnId and propNameSearchTerm
    let propNameColumnId = grid.filters.propNameColumnId || 'columnId' as keyof T
    let propNameSearchTerm = grid.filters.propNameSearchTerm || 'searchTerm' as keyof T

    // Loop throught the array normally, it is just an array
    for(let filter of grid.filters){
        // Access the properties
        console.log(`${filter[propNameColumnId]} = ${filter[propNameSearchTerm]}`);


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