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StreamWriter / Reader读取然后立即写入会导致异常

[英]StreamWriter/Reader reading and then immediately writing causes exception

我需要从文件中读取一个数字,然后递增该数字并更新同一文件,仅用于调试目的。 我编写了这段代码,令我惊讶的是,它引发了一个异常(它仅用于调试,但是我还是想深入了解一下):



string path = Server.MapPath("~/Log.txt");

int newTotal = 0;

using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
    var total = reader.ReadLine();

    if (total != null)
        newTotal = int.Parse(total) + 1;

using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path, false))
    // I added AutoFlush because I read somewhere on SO 
    // this will write to disk immediately
    writer.AutoFlush = true; 


string path = Server.MapPath("~/Log.txt");

int newTotal = 0;

    using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
        var total = reader.ReadLine();

        if (total != null)
            newTotal = int.Parse(total) + 1;
catch (Exception)
    throw new System.Web.HttpException("During reading...");

    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path, false))
        writer.AutoFlush = true;
catch (Exception)
    throw new System.Web.HttpException("During writing...");


During reading...
During writing...
During reading...
During writing...
During reading...
During reading...
During writing...
During writing...
During writing...
During writing...
During writing...
During reading...
During reading...
During reading...


protected override void Initialize(RequestContext requestContext)
    // Code is here

我使用了Process Explorer ,其他都没有使用该文件。

问题 :我在这里放置东西,为什么要例外?

起初,我认为也许在配置reader存在延迟,但是在这种情况下,所有例外都应与reader有关,但事实并非如此。 另外,下面还将给出相同的例外:

this.path = Server.MapPath("~/Log.txt");

var total = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(this.path);
int newTotal = 0;

if (total != null)
    newTotal = int.Parse(total) + 1;

System.IO.File.WriteAllText(this.path, newTotal.ToString());

没有线程。 仅HTTP GET(常规和通过AJAX)。


在使用Visual Studio 2015进行负载测试期间,会发生这种情况。



using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
    while (reader.Peek() > -1) 
        var total = reader.ReadLine();
        newTotal = int.Parse(total) + 1;


  1. GC未取消分配,并且代码已在收集reader之前达到写入状态。 我使用控制台应用程序测试了确切的代码,并且该问题无法复制。
  2. 这不是由于线程( 除了一个警告 ),因为我没有创建任何线程。 在ASP.NET中,每个请求都会从池中分配一个线程,并为每个线程1创建一个类的实例。 如果有类级别的东西( static ),那么它们显然将不是线程安全的。 他们将被共享。 但是此代码不在静态上下文中。


使用浏览器时,从未复制此问题。 我还做了一些简单的事情,像这样:

protected override void Initialize(RequestContext requestContext)
     System.IO.File.AppendAllText(tPath, "Thread enter and ID is: " + 
         System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + Environment.NewLine);
     // Placed all code here
     System.IO.File.AppendAllText(tPath, "Thread exit and ID is: " + 
         System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + Environment.NewLine);

现在有了上面的代码,当按预期通过浏览器发出请求时,文件的内容如下所示。 注意每个条目都是同步的

Thread enter and ID is: 35
Thread exit and ID is: 35
Thread enter and ID is: 11
Thread exit and ID is: 11
Thread enter and ID is: 29
Thread exit and ID is: 29
Thread enter and ID is: 36
Thread exit and ID is: 36
Thread enter and ID is: 27
Thread exit and ID is: 27
Thread enter and ID is: 11
Thread exit and ID is: 11
Thread enter and ID is: 29
Thread exit and ID is: 29
Thread enter and ID is: 8
Thread exit and ID is: 8
Thread enter and ID is: 11
Thread exit and ID is: 11
Thread enter and ID is: 36
Thread exit and ID is: 36

但是在Visual Studio负载测试期间,内容是这样的,并且该方法的条目不是同步的

Thread enter and ID is: 12
Thread exit and ID is: 12
Thread enter and ID is: 29
Thread enter and ID is: 49
Thread enter and ID is: 51
Thread exit and ID is: 29
Thread exit and ID is: 51
Thread enter and ID is: 48
Thread exit and ID is: 48
Thread enter and ID is: 57
Thread exit and ID is: 57
Thread enter and ID is: 17
Thread exit and ID is: 17
Thread enter and ID is: 55
Thread exit and ID is: 55
Thread enter and ID is: 42
Thread exit and ID is: 42
Thread enter and ID is: 47
Thread enter and ID is: 55


总之,使用Visual Studio进行负载测试时,调用行为与从浏览器中获得的调用行为并不完全相同。 由于某种原因,每个线程都没有获得其自己的类实例。 我不知道为什么,但是如果有人这样做,请发出提示。如果您问我,这就是废话: 如果它所做的工作完全违背ASP.NET架构,该如何进行负载测试?

1. 线程安全ASP.NET


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