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StreamWriter / Reader讀取然后立即寫入會導致異常

[英]StreamWriter/Reader reading and then immediately writing causes exception

我需要從文件中讀取一個數字,然后遞增該數字並更新同一文件,僅用於調試目的。 我編寫了這段代碼,令我驚訝的是,它引發了一個異常(它僅用於調試,但是我還是想深入了解一下):



string path = Server.MapPath("~/Log.txt");

int newTotal = 0;

using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
    var total = reader.ReadLine();

    if (total != null)
        newTotal = int.Parse(total) + 1;

using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path, false))
    // I added AutoFlush because I read somewhere on SO 
    // this will write to disk immediately
    writer.AutoFlush = true; 


string path = Server.MapPath("~/Log.txt");

int newTotal = 0;

    using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
        var total = reader.ReadLine();

        if (total != null)
            newTotal = int.Parse(total) + 1;
catch (Exception)
    throw new System.Web.HttpException("During reading...");

    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path, false))
        writer.AutoFlush = true;
catch (Exception)
    throw new System.Web.HttpException("During writing...");


During reading...
During writing...
During reading...
During writing...
During reading...
During reading...
During writing...
During writing...
During writing...
During writing...
During writing...
During reading...
During reading...
During reading...


protected override void Initialize(RequestContext requestContext)
    // Code is here

我使用了Process Explorer ,其他都沒有使用該文件。

問題 :我在這里放置東西,為什么要例外?

起初,我認為也許在配置reader存在延遲,但是在這種情況下,所有例外都應與reader有關,但事實並非如此。 另外,下面還將給出相同的例外:

this.path = Server.MapPath("~/Log.txt");

var total = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(this.path);
int newTotal = 0;

if (total != null)
    newTotal = int.Parse(total) + 1;

System.IO.File.WriteAllText(this.path, newTotal.ToString());

沒有線程。 僅HTTP GET(常規和通過AJAX)。


在使用Visual Studio 2015進行負載測試期間,會發生這種情況。



using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
    while (reader.Peek() > -1) 
        var total = reader.ReadLine();
        newTotal = int.Parse(total) + 1;


  1. GC未取消分配,並且代碼已在收集reader之前達到寫入狀態。 我使用控制台應用程序測試了確切的代碼,並且該問題無法復制。
  2. 這不是由於線程( 除了一個警告 ),因為我沒有創建任何線程。 在ASP.NET中,每個請求都會從池中分配一個線程,並為每個線程1創建一個類的實例。 如果有類級別的東西( static ),那么它們顯然將不是線程安全的。 他們將被共享。 但是此代碼不在靜態上下文中。


使用瀏覽器時,從未復制此問題。 我還做了一些簡單的事情,像這樣:

protected override void Initialize(RequestContext requestContext)
     System.IO.File.AppendAllText(tPath, "Thread enter and ID is: " + 
         System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + Environment.NewLine);
     // Placed all code here
     System.IO.File.AppendAllText(tPath, "Thread exit and ID is: " + 
         System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + Environment.NewLine);

現在有了上面的代碼,當按預期通過瀏覽器發出請求時,文件的內容如下所示。 注意每個條目都是同步的

Thread enter and ID is: 35
Thread exit and ID is: 35
Thread enter and ID is: 11
Thread exit and ID is: 11
Thread enter and ID is: 29
Thread exit and ID is: 29
Thread enter and ID is: 36
Thread exit and ID is: 36
Thread enter and ID is: 27
Thread exit and ID is: 27
Thread enter and ID is: 11
Thread exit and ID is: 11
Thread enter and ID is: 29
Thread exit and ID is: 29
Thread enter and ID is: 8
Thread exit and ID is: 8
Thread enter and ID is: 11
Thread exit and ID is: 11
Thread enter and ID is: 36
Thread exit and ID is: 36

但是在Visual Studio負載測試期間,內容是這樣的,並且該方法的條目不是同步的

Thread enter and ID is: 12
Thread exit and ID is: 12
Thread enter and ID is: 29
Thread enter and ID is: 49
Thread enter and ID is: 51
Thread exit and ID is: 29
Thread exit and ID is: 51
Thread enter and ID is: 48
Thread exit and ID is: 48
Thread enter and ID is: 57
Thread exit and ID is: 57
Thread enter and ID is: 17
Thread exit and ID is: 17
Thread enter and ID is: 55
Thread exit and ID is: 55
Thread enter and ID is: 42
Thread exit and ID is: 42
Thread enter and ID is: 47
Thread enter and ID is: 55


總之,使用Visual Studio進行負載測試時,調用行為與從瀏覽器中獲得的調用行為並不完全相同。 由於某種原因,每個線程都沒有獲得其自己的類實例。 我不知道為什么,但是如果有人這樣做,請發出提示。如果您問我,這就是廢話: 如果它所做的工作完全違背ASP.NET架構,該如何進行負載測試?

1. 線程安全ASP.NET


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