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[英]How to exclude numbers from array sum/average/min/max?

我正在为班级分配作业,我试图弄清楚如何获取数组中数字的平均值,同时排除数字-999(用于指示缺少的数据),我想出了如何获取总和/平均/最低/最高等,但我无法弄清楚如何从搜索范围中排除-999。 您可以在前几种方法中看到到目前为止我已经尝试解决的一些事情。 我什至在Google上都找不到任何东西,甚至可能无法开始解释我现在应该做什么。 在此处输入图片说明 这些是我要遵循的说明,以下是我当前的代码,感谢您的输入。

 * WeatherComputation.java

//Put any imports below this line.
import java.util.*;

 * Static methods library which compute averages and other
 * computations on integer arrays of temperatures.
 * @author Joel Swanson 
 * @version 03.29.2014
public class WeatherComputation
     * Average an array of temperatures.
     * @param temperatures An array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return Returns the average of the array of ints.
    public static double averageTemperature(int[] temperatures)
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.length; i++)
         sum += temperatures[i];
        double average = sum / temperatures.length;
        return average;

     * Find the highest in an array of temperatures.
     * @param temperatures An array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return The largest value from the the array of ints.
    public static int highestTemperature(int[] temperatures)
        int max = temperatures[0]; 
        for (int i = 1; i < temperatures.length; i++)
            if(temperatures[i] > max)
                max = temperatures[i]; 
        return max;

     * Find the lowest in an array of temperatures.
     * @param temperatures An array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return The lowest value from the the array of ints.
    public static int lowestTemperature(int[] temperatures)
        int min = 0; 

        while (true)
            if (min == -999)

            if(min > -999)
                min = temperatures[0];

        for (int i = 1; i < temperatures.length; i++)
            if (min < -999)
                if (temperatures[i] < min)
                    min = temperatures[i];   

        return min;

     * Return the total number of missing days.  That is days with
     * -999 recorded as the temperatures.
     * @param temperatures An array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return The number of -999s found.
    public static int numberMissing(int[] temperatures)
        int count = 0; 

        return count;

     * Calculate heating degree day.
     * @param max The highest temperature for a given day.
     * @param min The lowest temperature for a given day.
     * @return heating degree day data for this day.
    public static double hdd(int max, int min)
        double hdd = 0.0;

        return hdd;

     * Calculate cooling degree day.
     * @param max The highest temperature for a given day.
     * @param min The lowest temperature for a given day.
     * @return cooling degree day data for this day.
    public static double cdd(int max, int min)
        double cdd = 0.0;

        return cdd;

     * Sum monthly heating degree days.
     * @param max An array with the highest temperatures for each day
     * in a given month.
     * @param min An array with the lowest temperatures for each day
     * in a given month.
     * @return The sum of the heating degree days.
    public static double monthHdd(int[] max, int[] min)
        double sum = 0.0;

        return sum;        

     * Sum monthly cooling degree days.
     * @param max An array with the highest temperatures for each day
     * in a given month.
     * @param min An array with the lowest temperatures for each day
     * in a given month.
     * @return The sum of the cooling degree days.
    public static double monthCdd(int[] max, int[] min)
        double sum = 0.0;

        return sum;        

您确实想为此使用Java 8的流运算符。 如果我采用您的代码,而忽略了未实现的方法,并且没有描述实际计算的内容,那么我会得到:

 * WeatherComputation.java
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

 * Static methods library which compute averages and other
 * computations on integer arrays of temperatures.
 * @author Joel Swanson
 * @version 03.29.2014
public class WeatherComputation {

     * Filters out all missing values (represented by -999).
     * @param temperaturs an array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return the list with the missing values removed
    private static IntStream getFilteredArray(final int[] temperaturs) {
        return IntStream.of(temperaturs)
                .filter(i -> i != -999);

     * Average an array of temperatures.
     * @param temperatures an array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return the average of the array of ints.
    public static double averageTemperature(int[] temperatures) {
        // Returns 0 on an empty list. Your code will throw an exception
        return getFilteredArray(temperatures).average().orElse(0d);

     * Find the highest in an array of temperatures.
     * @param temperatures an array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return the largest value from the the array of ints.
    public static int highestTemperature(int[] temperatures) {
        return getFilteredArray(temperatures).max().orElse(0);

     * Find the lowest in an array of temperatures.
     * @param temperatures an array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return the lowest value from the the array of ints.
    public static int lowestTemperature(int[] temperatures) {
        return getFilteredArray(temperatures).min().orElse(0);

     * Return the total number of missing days. That is days with
     * -999 recorded as the temperatures.
     * @param temperatures an array storing temperatures as ints.
     * @return the number of -999s found.
    public static int numberMissing(int[] temperatures) {
        return (int) IntStream.of(temperatures)
                .filter(t -> t == -999)

方法getFilteredArray完成所有工作。 它将数组转换为IntStream ,删除所有-999值,然后返回流。 然后,您可以使用流运算符来计算平均值,总和,最小值,最大值等值。

public static double averageTemperature(int[] temperatures)
        int sum = 0;
        int count = 0;// number of valid values
        for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.length; i++)
            if(temperatures[i] > -999){ // before calculating check value
                  count ++;
                  sum += temperatures[i];
        double average = count != 0 ? sum / count : -999 - 1; // preventing divide by zero
        return average;

public static int lowestTemperature(int[] temperatures) {
    if(temperatures == null || temperatures.length == 0)
        return -999 - 1;
    int min = temperatures[0];
    for (int temperature : temperatures) {
        if (temperature > -999 && temperature < min) {
            min = temperature;
    return min;

您只需要在每一步中检查该值是否为排除值,然后再以sum / average / min / max方法使用它即可。


public static double averageTemperature(int[] temperatures) 
    int sum = 0;
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.length; i++) 
       if (temperatures[i] != -999) {
           sum += temperatures[i];
    double average = sum / count;
    return average;


public static int lowestTemperature(int[] temperatures) {
    int min = 999;
    for (int temperature : temperatures) {
        if (temperature > -999 && temperature < min) {
            min = temperature;
    return min;

假设您的WeatherComputation类也将考虑999的方式与考虑-999 (无效值)的方式相同。 原因很简单,如果一个月内只有负值怎么办? 然后,您的int min = 0将是错误的。


public static double averageTemperature(int[] temperatures) {
    int sum = 0, validTemperatureCounter = 0;
    for (int temperature : temperatures) {
        if (temperature > -999 && temperature < 999) {
            sum += temperature;
    return sum / (double)validTemperatureCounter;




public static double averageTemperatureOneLiner(int[] temperatures) {
    return Arrays.stream(temperatures).filter(t -> t > -999 && t < 999).average().orElse(0);

public static int lowestTemperatureOneLiner(int[] temperatures) {
    return Arrays.stream(temperatures).filter(t -> t > -999 && t < 999).min().orElse(0);

public static int highestTemperatureOneLiner(int[] temperatures) {
    return Arrays.stream(temperatures).filter(t -> t > -999 && t < 999).max().orElse(0);


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