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Powershell Function elseif语句不起作用

[英]Powershell Function elseif statement not working

我有一个Powershell函数无法正常工作。 应当将$ prm中给它的选择限制为最多5个。如果超过5个,它将提醒用户。 如果在字符串中传递了0,则默认为null。


Function GetListValues($prm, $charCount){ 

$buildStr="Call db.Fruit(" 

#no selection
if ($charCount -eq 0 ){ 
    $buildStr = $buildStr + "NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);"
    write $buildStr
}elseif($charCount -ge 1 -and $charCount -le 4 ){

#selections made with then 5 parameter range

$arr = $prm.split(",");
if ($arr[0]) { $buildStr = $buildStr  + $arr[0] + "," } else { $buildStr = $buildStr + "Null," }
if ($arr[1]) { $buildStr  = $buildStr + $arr[1] + "," } else { $buildStr = $buildStr + "Null," }
if ($arr[2]) { $buildStr  = $buildStr + $arr[2] + "," } else { $buildStr = $buildStr + "Null," }
if ($arr[3]) { $buildStr  = $buildStr + $arr[3] + "," } else { $buildStr = $buildStr + "Null," }
if ($arr[4]) { $buildStr  = $buildStr + $arr[4] + ");" } else {$buildStr =  $buildStr + "Null);" }

write $buildStr

# too many selections

[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Too many selections! A maximum of 5 only!')


$prm = "'Apple','Orange','Pear','Banana','Grapes'"
$charCount = ($prm.ToCharArray() | Where-Object {$_ -eq ','} | Measure-Object).Count
GetListValues $prm, $charCount

您的问题出在您的测试代码,而不是您的功能。 对于powershell,您仅使用空格来分隔参数,而不使用逗号。


GetListValues $prm $charCount


您可以忽略我之前的评论,因为我假设您将$ charCount值设置为元素数。 但是仔细检查,我发现您只是在计算逗号的数量,因此元素的数量将是#逗号+ 1(只要您有> 1个元素)

顺便说一句,$ charCount有点多余,因为Function可以自己解决这个问题,并且可以使函数更具弹性,因为它将消除调用代码传递不一致值的可能性。


此外,正如他所建议的那样,您无需确定函数外部的元素数量-让函数本身处理该函数更容易且更可靠。 这是功能的PowerShell惯用的表述,它就是这样做的:

function GetListValues {
    [ValidateCount(0,5)] # Allow between 0 and 5 values.
    [string[]] $Columns
  # Create a 5-element array filled with the input column names
  # and 'Null' for any remaining elements.
  $allColumns = New-Object string[] 5
  for ($i = 0; $i -lt $allColumns.Count; ++$i) {
    $allColumns[$i] = if ($i -lt $Columns.Count) { $Columns[$i] } else { 'Null' }
  # Use string expansion (interpolation) to construct the output string.
  "Call db.Fruit($($allColumns -join ','))"

通过将参数定义为[string[]] ,您可以(a)分别传递列名,并且(b)可以轻松访问它们的计数,并可以通过ValidateCount属性来限制可接受的列名范围。


# Pass 5 column names.
# Note that with the simple names at hand you needn't even quote them.
PS> GetListValues Apple, Orange, Pear, Banana, Grapes

Call db.Fruit(Apple,Orange,Pear,Banana,Grapes)

# Pass no column names at all.
PS> GetListValues

Call db.Fruit(Null,Null,Null,Null,Null)

# Pass too many names -> ValidateCount triggers an error.
PS> GetListValues Apple, Orange, Pear, Banana, Grapes, TooMuch

GetListValues : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Columns'. 
The parameter requires at least 0 value(s) and no more than 5 value(s)
- 6 value(s) were provided.


  • 允许通过最大 列数作为参数

  • 将列名作为带有嵌入引号的单个字符串传递(例如, "'Apple', 'Orange', 'Pear', 'Banana', 'Grapes'" )。

function GetListValues {
    [string] $ColumnList,
    [int]    $MaxColumnCount

  # Split something like "'Apple', 'Orange', 'Pear', 'Banana', 'Grapes'"
  # into an array of tokens.
  $Columns = $ColumnList -split "[, ']" -ne ''
  if ($Columns.Count -gt $MaxColumnCount) { Throw "Too many columns passed." }

  # Create an N-element array filled with the input column names
  # and 'Null' for any remaining elements.
  $allColumns = New-Object string[] $MaxColumnCount
  for ($i = 0; $i -lt $allColumns.Count; ++$i) {
    $allColumns[$i] = if ($i -lt $Columns.Count) { $Columns[$i] } else { 'Null' }
  # Use string expansion (interpolation) to construct the output string.
  "Call db.Fruit($($allColumns -join ','))"


PS> GetListValues "'Apple', 'Orange', 'Pear', 'Banana', 'Grapes'" 5

Call db.Fruit(Apple,Orange,Pear,Banana,Grapes)

PS> GetListValues "" 3

Call db.Fruit(Null,Null,Null)


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