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[英]Python-pptx: copy slide



或者如何将模板幻灯片添加到 presentation.slide_layouts?

这是我在 GitHub 上找到的,它对我有用。 我确实为我的项目更改了一些东西。 您将需要导入六个并复制。 我正在使用 pptx-6.10

def duplicate_slide(pres, index):
    template = pres.slides[index]
        blank_slide_layout = pres.slide_layouts[12]
        blank_slide_layout = pres.slide_layouts[len(pres.slide_layouts)]

    copied_slide = pres.slides.add_slide(blank_slide_layout)

    for shp in template.shapes:
        el = shp.element
        newel = copy.deepcopy(el)
        copied_slide.shapes._spTree.insert_element_before(newel, 'p:extLst')

    for _, value in six.iteritems(template.part.rels):
        # Make sure we don't copy a notesSlide relation as that won't exist
        if "notesSlide" not in value.reltype:

    return copied_slide


copied_slide = duplicate_slide(pres, 4)


我想展示我复制幻灯片的解决方法。 我使用模板ppt并填充它。 在填充幻灯片之前,我知道需要复制模板的哪些幻灯片以及复制频率。 然后我要做的是复制幻灯片并用复制的幻灯片保存新的ppt。 保存后,我可以使用复制的幻灯片打开 ppt 并使用 pptx 填充幻灯片。

import win32com.client
ppt_instance = win32com.client.Dispatch('PowerPoint.Application')
#open the powerpoint presentation headless in background
read_only = True
has_title = False
window    = False
prs = ppt_instance.Presentations.open('path/ppt.pptx',read_only,has_title,window)

nr_slide = 1
insert_index = 1


#kills ppt_instance
del ppt_instance



我正在使用n00by0815 的答案,并且在我不得不复制图像之前效果很好。 是我处理图像的改编版本。 此代码创建图像的本地副本,然后将其添加到幻灯片中。 我确定有一种更清洁的方法,但这是有效的。

由于我还找到了@d_bergeron 共享代码的另一个用例,所以我只想在这里分享。 就我而言,我想将另一个演示文稿中的幻灯片复制到我使用 python-pptx 生成的幻灯片中:

作为参数,我传入了我使用 python-pptx (prs = Presenation()) 创建的 Presentation() 对象。

from pptx import Presentation
import copy

def copy_slide_from_external_prs(prs):

    # copy from external presentation all objects into the existing presentation
    external_pres = Presentation("PATH/TO/PRES/TO/IMPORT/from.pptx")

    # specify the slide you want to copy the contents from
    ext_slide = external_pres.slides[0]

    # Define the layout you want to use from your generated pptx
    SLD_LAYOUT = 5
    slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[SLD_LAYOUT]

    # create now slide, to copy contents to 
    curr_slide = prs.slides.add_slide(slide_layout)

    # now copy contents from external slide, but do not copy slide properties
    # e.g. slide layouts, etc., because these would produce errors, as diplicate
    # entries might be generated

    for shp in ext_slide.shapes:
        el = shp.element
        newel = copy.deepcopy(el)
        curr_slide.shapes._spTree.insert_element_before(newel, 'p:extLst')

    return prs


我编辑了@n00by0815 解决方案并提出了非常优雅的代码,它也可以无误地复制图像:

# ATTENTNION: PPTX PACKAGE RUNS ONLY ON CERTAINS VERSION OF PYTHON (https://python-pptx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/install.html)

from pptx import Presentation
from pptx.util import Pt
from pptx.enum.text import PP_ALIGN
import copy
import os

DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

#modeled on https://stackoverflow.com/a/56074651/20159015 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/62921848/20159015
#this for some reason doesnt copy text properties (font size, alignment etc.)
def SlideCopyFromPasteInto(copyFromPres, slideIndex,  pasteIntoPres):

    # specify the slide you want to copy the contents from
    slide_to_copy = copyFromPres.slides[slideIndex]

    # Define the layout you want to use from your generated pptx

    slide_layout = pasteIntoPres.slide_layouts.get_by_name("Blank") # names of layouts can be found here under step 3: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-change-slide-layout-in-ms-powerpoint/
    # it is important for slide_layout to be blank since you dont want these "Write your title here" or something like that textboxes
    # alternative: slide_layout = pasteIntoPres.slide_layouts[copyFromPres.slide_layouts.index(slide_to_copy.slide_layout)]
    # create now slide, to copy contents to 
    new_slide = pasteIntoPres.slides.add_slide(slide_layout)

    # create images dict
    imgDict = {}

    # now copy contents from external slide, but do not copy slide properties
    # e.g. slide layouts, etc., because these would produce errors, as diplicate
    # entries might be generated
    for shp in slide_to_copy.shapes:
        if 'Picture' in shp.name:
            # save image
            with open(shp.name+'.jpg', 'wb') as f:

            # add image to dict
            imgDict[shp.name+'.jpg'] = [shp.left, shp.top, shp.width, shp.height]
            # create copy of elem
            el = shp.element
            newel = copy.deepcopy(el)

            # add elem to shape tree
            new_slide.shapes._spTree.insert_element_before(newel, 'p:extLst')
    # things added first will be covered by things added last => since I want pictures to be in foreground, I will add them after others elements
    # you can change this if you want
    # add pictures
    for k, v in imgDict.items():
        new_slide.shapes.add_picture(k, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3])

    return new_slide # this returns slide so you can instantly work with it when it is pasted in presentation

templatePres = Presentation(f"{DIR_PATH}/template.pptx")

outputPres = Presentation() 
outputPres.slide_height, outputPres.slide_width = templatePres.slide_height, templatePres.slide_width
# this can sometimes cause problems. Alternative:
# outputPres = Presentation(f"{DIR_PATH}/template.pptx") and now delete all slides to have empty presentation

# if you just want to copy and paste slide:

# if you want to edit slide that was just pasted in presentation:
pastedSlide = SlideCopyFromPasteInto(templatePres,0,outputPres)
pastedSlide.shapes.title.text = "My very cool title"

for shape in pastedSlide.shapes:

    if not(shape.has_text_frame): continue

    # easiest ways to edit text fields is to put some identifying text in them
    if shape.text_frame.text == "personName": # there is a text field with "personName" written into it
        shape.text_frame.text = "Brian"

    if shape.text_frame.text == "personSalary":
        shape.text_frame.text = str(brianSalary)

    # stylizing text need to be done after you change it
    shape.text_frame.paragraphs[0].font.size = Pt(80) 
    shape.text_frame.paragraphs[0].alignment = PP_ALIGN.CENTER


抱歉耽搁了,我被转移到另一个项目。 我能够使用多个模板幻灯片并复制它们来完成我的 ppt 项目。 在构建演示文稿的最后,我删除了模板。 要抓取形状,您需要遍历 slide.shapes 并找到您要查找的形状的名称。 返回后,您可以根据需要编辑形状。 我添加了一个用于填充 shape.text_frame 的 add_text 函数版本。

def find_shape_by_name(shapes, name):
    for shape in shapes:
        if shape.name == name:
            return shape
    return None

def add_text(shape, text, alignment=None):

    if alignment:
        shape.vertical_anchor = alignment

    tf = shape.text_frame
    run = tf.paragraphs[0].add_run()
    run.text = text if text else ''


slide_title = find_shape_by_name(slide.shapes,'slide_title')


add_text(slide_title,'TEST SLIDE')


这是将每张幻灯片复制到单个 PPTX 幻灯片以用于整个演示文稿的另一种方法,然后您可以使用 LibreOffice 将每个单独的 powerpoint 转换为图像:

def get_slide_count(prs):
""" Get the number of slides in PPTX presentation """
    slidecount = 0
    for slide in prs.slides:
        slidecount += 1
    return slidecount

def delete_slide(prs, slide):
    """ Delete a slide out of a powerpoint presentation"""
    id_dict = { slide.id: [i, slide.rId] for i,slide in enumerate(prs.slides._sldIdLst) }
    slide_id = slide.slide_id
    del prs.slides._sldIdLst[id_dict[slide_id][0]]

def get_single_slide_pres(prs, slidetokeep):
    for idx, slide in enumerate(prs.slides):
        if idx < slidetokeep:
            delete_slide(prs, slide)
        elif (idx > slidetokeep):
            delete_slide(prs, slide)
    prs.save(str(slidetokeep + 1) + ".pptx")

pptxfilepath = "test.pptx"
prs = Presentation(pptxfilepath)
slidecount = get_slide_count(prs)
for i in range(slidecount):
    prs_backup = Presentation(pptxfilepath)
    get_single_slide_pres(prs_backup, i)
    prs_backup = None


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