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执行 python 脚本时线程上的脚本块,但不是在交互模式下

[英]Script blocks on thread when executing a python script, but not in interactive mode

TL;DR :为什么线程进程会像myprocess.start()这样的交互模式按预期运行(分离的 python 线程),但在从 shell 运行时阻塞在子线程上,比如python myprocess.py

背景:我为我的类子类threading.Thread ,它也调用了另外两个Thread类型的子类。 看起来像:

class Node(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, gps_device):
        self.daemon = False

        logging.info("Setting up GPS service")
        self.gps_svc = gps.CoordinateService(gps_device)
        self.gps_svc.daemon = True

        logging.info("Setting up BLE scanning service")
        # TODO: This is blocking when run in terminal (aka how we do on Raspberry Pi)
        self.scan_svc = scan.BleMonitor()
        self.scan_svc.daemon = True

        logging.info("Node initialized - ready for start")

    def run(self):
        self.scan_svc.start()  # blocks here in terminal

        do stuff...

这两个服务( gps_svcscan_svc )都在交互模式下从解释器按预期工作,如node = Node(...); node.start() node = Node(...); node.start() 当我用脚本调用解释器时, gps_svc启动并运行,但scan_svc阻塞在它侦听蓝牙设备的特定行。

BLE 扫描仪在下面(很长)。 这是BleMonitor的父类 - 没有什么不同,我只是添加了几个实用函数。

问题:为什么会发生这种情况? 我可以运行/交互进程还是线程(即:调用类的方法并实时获取数据)?

class Monitor(threading.Thread):
    """Continously scan for BLE advertisements."""

    def __init__(self, callback, bt_device_id, device_filter, packet_filter):
        """Construct interface object."""
        # do import here so that the package can be used in parsing-only mode (no bluez required)
        self.bluez = import_module('bluetooth._bluetooth')

        self.daemon = False
        self.keep_going = True
        self.callback = callback

        # number of the bt device (hciX)
        self.bt_device_id = bt_device_id
        # list of beacons to monitor
        self.device_filter = device_filter
        self.mode = get_mode(device_filter)
        # list of packet types to monitor
        self.packet_filter = packet_filter
        # bluetooth socket
        self.socket = None
        # keep track of Eddystone Beacon <-> bt addr mapping
        self.eddystone_mappings = []

    def run(self):
        """Continously scan for BLE advertisements."""
        self.socket = self.bluez.hci_open_dev(self.bt_device_id)

        filtr = self.bluez.hci_filter_new()
        self.bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(filtr, self.bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        self.socket.setsockopt(self.bluez.SOL_HCI, self.bluez.HCI_FILTER, filtr)


        while self.keep_going:
            pkt = self.socket.recv(255)
            event = to_int(pkt[1])
            subevent = to_int(pkt[3])
            if event == LE_META_EVENT and subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                # we have an BLE advertisement

    def toggle_scan(self, enable):
        """Enable and disable BLE scanning."""
        if enable:
            command = "\x01\x00"
            command = "\x00\x00"
        self.bluez.hci_send_cmd(self.socket, OGF_LE_CTL, OCF_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE, command)

    def process_packet(self, pkt):
        """Parse the packet and call callback if one of the filters matches."""
        # check if this could be a valid packet before parsing
        # this reduces the CPU load significantly
        if (self.mode == MODE_BOTH and \
                (pkt[19:21] != b"\xaa\xfe") and (pkt[19:23] != b"\x4c\x00\x02\x15")) \
                or (self.mode == MODE_EDDYSTONE and (pkt[19:21] != b"\xaa\xfe")) \
                or (self.mode == MODE_IBEACON and (pkt[19:23] != b"\x4c\x00\x02\x15")):

        bt_addr = bt_addr_to_string(pkt[7:13])
        rssi = bin_to_int(pkt[-1])
        # strip bluetooth address and parse packet
        packet = parse_packet(pkt[14:-1])

        # return if packet was not an beacon advertisement
        if not packet:

        # we need to remember which eddystone beacon has which bt address
        # because the TLM and URL frames do not contain the namespace and instance
        self.save_bt_addr(packet, bt_addr)
        # properties hold the identifying information for a beacon
        # e.g. instance and namespace for eddystone; uuid, major, minor for iBeacon
        properties = self.get_properties(packet, bt_addr)

        if self.device_filter is None and self.packet_filter is None:
            # no filters selected
            self.callback(bt_addr, rssi, packet, properties)

        elif self.device_filter is None:
            # filter by packet type
            if is_one_of(packet, self.packet_filter):
                self.callback(bt_addr, rssi, packet, properties)
            # filter by device and packet type
            if self.packet_filter and not is_one_of(packet, self.packet_filter):
                # return if packet filter does not match

            # iterate over filters and call .matches() on each
            for filtr in self.device_filter:
                if isinstance(filtr, BtAddrFilter):
                    if filtr.matches({'bt_addr':bt_addr}):
                        self.callback(bt_addr, rssi, packet, properties)

                elif filtr.matches(properties):
                    self.callback(bt_addr, rssi, packet, properties)

    def save_bt_addr(self, packet, bt_addr):
        """Add to the list of mappings."""
        if isinstance(packet, EddystoneUIDFrame):
            # remove out old mapping
            new_mappings = [m for m in self.eddystone_mappings if m[0] != bt_addr]
            new_mappings.append((bt_addr, packet.properties))
            self.eddystone_mappings = new_mappings

    def get_properties(self, packet, bt_addr):
        """Get properties of beacon depending on type."""
        if is_one_of(packet, [EddystoneTLMFrame, EddystoneURLFrame, \
                              EddystoneEncryptedTLMFrame, EddystoneEIDFrame]):
            # here we retrieve the namespace and instance which corresponds to the
            # eddystone beacon with this bt address
            return self.properties_from_mapping(bt_addr)
            return packet.properties

    def properties_from_mapping(self, bt_addr):
        """Retrieve properties (namespace, instance) for the specified bt address."""
        for addr, properties in self.eddystone_mappings:
            if addr == bt_addr:
                return properties
        return None

    def terminate(self):
        """Signal runner to stop and join thread."""
        self.keep_going = False

Python 文档 中,我认为交互模式下的解释器在线程方面违反了以下内容:

在 CPython 中,全局解释器锁或 GIL 是一个互斥锁,用于保护对 Python 对象的访问,防止多个线程同时执行 Python 字节码。 这个锁是必要的,主要是因为 CPython 的内存管理不是线程安全的。 (但是,由于 GIL 存在,其他功能已经发展到依赖于它强制执行的保证。)

因此,存在只有获得 GIL 的线程才能操作 Python 对象或调用 Python/C API 函数的规则。 为了模拟执行的并发性,解释器会定期尝试切换线程(请参阅 sys.setswitchinterval())。 锁也会在潜在的阻塞 I/O 操作(如读取或写入文件)周围释放,以便其他 Python 线程可以同时运行。

我需要进一步研究这一点,但我的怀疑指向 GIL 和线程对象管理之间的冲突。 希望有所帮助或有人要添加更多内容。


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