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[英]How to get all the related fields from a query set in Django?

我有两个模型, SessionSessionType具有多对一的关系。 Session上还有一个Family外键,如下所示:

from django.db import models

class SesssionType(models.Model):

class Session(models.Model):
    session_type = models.ForeignKey('SessionType')
    family = models.ForeignKey('Family')

对于Family的某个特定实例family ,我在session_set有几个Session对象:

ipdb> family.session_set.all()
<QuerySet [<Session: Welcome>, <Session: Breastfeeding Preparation - Timothy Anderson>, <Session: First-Time Parents: The Basics of Birth>, <Session: Initial Postpartum Lactation>, <Session: Sleep Techniques for New Babies>, <Session: Breastfeeding Preparation>, <Session: Newborn Care Basics>, <Session: Easing the Transition Back to Work>, <Session: Preparing for Parenting>, <Session: Decoding Baby Cues>, <Session: Postpartum Doula Support>, <Session: First-Time Parents: Birth Prep Q&A>, <Session: Postpartum Lactation Follow-Up>, <Session: Sleep Training for 4 Months & Beyond>, <Session: Mental Wellness in Pregnancy>, <Session: Infant CPR>, <Session: Prenatal Pelvic Physical Therapy>, <Session: Prenatal Massage>]>


ipdb> [session.session_type for session in family.session_set.all()]
[<SessionType: Welcome>, <SessionType: Breastfeeding Preparation>, <SessionType: First-Time Parents: The Basics of Birth>, <SessionType: Initial Postpartum Lactation>, <SessionType: Sleep Techniques for New Babies>, <SessionType: Breastfeeding Preparation>, <SessionType: Newborn Care Basics>, <SessionType: Easing the Transition Back to Work>, <SessionType: Preparing for Parenting>, <SessionType: Decoding Baby Cues>, <SessionType: Postpartum Doula Support>, <SessionType: First-Time Parents: Birth Prep Q&A>, <SessionType: Postpartum Lactation Follow-Up>, <SessionType: Sleep Training for 4 Months & Beyond>, <SessionType: Mental Wellness in Pregnancy>, <SessionType: Infant CPR>, <SessionType: Prenatal Pelvic Physical Therapy>, <SessionType: Prenatal Massage>]


ipdb> family.session_set.select_related('session_type')
<QuerySet [<Session: Welcome>, <Session: Breastfeeding Preparation - Timothy Anderson>, <Session: First-Time Parents: The Basics of Birth>, <Session: Initial Postpartum Lactation>, <Session: Sleep Techniques for New Babies>, <Session: Breastfeeding Preparation>, <Session: Newborn Care Basics>, <Session: Easing the Transition Back to Work>, <Session: Preparing for Parenting>, <Session: Decoding Baby Cues>, <Session: Postpartum Doula Support>, <Session: First-Time Parents: Birth Prep Q&A>, <Session: Postpartum Lactation Follow-Up>, <Session: Sleep Training for 4 Months & Beyond>, <Session: Mental Wellness in Pregnancy>, <Session: Infant CPR>, <Session: Prenatal Pelvic Physical Therapy>, <Session: Prenatal Massage>]>

如上所示,对select_related()的调用产生了一个包含Session对象而不是SessionType对象的查询集。 如何获取SessionType对象?


ipdb> SessionType.objects.filter(session__family=family).order_by('session__session_number')
<QuerySet [<SessionType: Welcome>, <SessionType: First-Time Parents: The Basics of Birth>, <SessionType: Initial Postpartum Lactation>, <SessionType: Sleep Techniques for New Babies>, <SessionType: Breastfeeding Preparation>, <SessionType: Newborn Care Basics>, <SessionType: Easing the Transition Back to Work>, <SessionType: Preparing for Parenting>, <SessionType: Decoding Baby Cues>, <SessionType: Postpartum Doula Support>, <SessionType: First-Time Parents: Birth Prep Q&A>, <SessionType: Postpartum Lactation Follow-Up>, <SessionType: Sleep Training for 4 Months & Beyond>, <SessionType: Mental Wellness in Pregnancy>, <SessionType: Infant CPR>, <SessionType: Prenatal Pelvic Physical Therapy>, <SessionType: Prenatal Massage>]>

但是,我有一个暗示,即效率不如仅从family.session_setSession对象获取相应的session_type ,因此,仍然非常欢迎对为什么select_related()无法按预期工作的解释。



根据Django文档,我使用的所有select_related都不会更改queryset对象类型。 但只能通过一个查询从数据库中选择所有相关对象。 例如,请参见以下查询:

for item in family.session_set.select_related('session_type').all():
     print item.session_type


for item in family.session_set.all():
     print item.session_type

对于每次打印,都会发生一个数据库命中,并且发生一个针对基本查询的数据库命中。 这对于少量数据并不重要,但是当数据太大时,如果没有select_related,您的网站就会变慢。 但要注意使用它。 如果使用过多,则操作相反,并且网站运行缓慢。



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