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如何防止Python function返回None

[英]How to prevent Python function from returning None

我正在像这样用 BeautifulSoup 解析 HTML 表:

for tr in table_body.find_all('tr'):      
            for td in tr:  
                if td.text == 'Description':
                    description = td.find_next('td').text
                if td.text == 'Category':
                    category = td.find_next('td').text                             
                if td.text == 'Department':
                    department = td.find_next('td').text                             
                if td.text == 'Justification':
                    justification = td.find_next('td').text
print(description, category, department, justification)

我将多个if语句重构为 function:

def html_check(td, text):
        if td.text == text:
            value = td.find_next('td').text
            return value


for tr in table_body.find_all('tr'):      
            for td in tr:  
                description= html_check(td, 'Description')
                category = html_check(td, 'Category')
                department = html_check(td, 'Department')
                justification = html_check(td, 'Justification')
print(description, category, department, justification)

我的问题是,当 function html_check找不到匹配项时,它将返回None ,这将被打印出来。 这是不可取的。


如果在退出函数调用时未指定返回值,Python 将始终返回None 您的选择是:

  • 如果不满足条件,则返回其他内容。
  • 如果函数返回None则忽略该函数

选项 1(不满足条件时返回其他内容):

 def html_check(td, text):
     if td.text == text:
        value = td.find_next('td').text
        return value
     return "no value found"

选项 2(如果返回None则忽略该函数):

if html_check(td, 'section'):
     # do things

您可以指定一个默认值,以在没有元素匹配的情况下返回。 就像是:

def html_check(td, text):
        if td.text == text:
            value = td.find_next('td').text
            return value
        return "Default Value"


 def html_check(td, text, default_value):
            if td.text == text:
                value = td.find_next('td').text
                return value
    return default_value


for tr in table_body.find_all('tr'):      
            for td in tr:  
                description= html_check(td, 'Description', 'Default Description')
                category = html_check(td, 'Category','Default Category')
                department = html_check(td, 'Department', 'Default Department')
                justification = html_check(td, 'Justification', 'Default Justification')
print(description, category, department, justification)


def html_check(td, text):
        if td.text == text:
            value = td.find_next('td').text
            if not value is None:
               return value
                value ="Not able to find"
                return value

但是我们不能删除 None,如果 html_check 函数没有返回任何东西,在 python 中我们用 None 初始化它。 但是为了我们的缘故,我们可以绕过并使用开发人员想要的其他东西来初始化它。


for tr in table_body.find_all('tr'): 
            fields = ['Description','Category','Department','Justification']
            for td in tr:
                print (['{}:{}'.format(i,html_check(td,i)) for i in fields if html_check(td,i)])


print_me = description and category and department and justification
print(description, category, department, justification) if print_me else None


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